Posted 10 days ago by

Hey Runners The first version of the QoL modpack is out now as a separate branch of the Speedrunning Mod! It includes:

  • Community Items (by vojin154) - gets rid of the community items being locked upon launching the game without leaving and rejoining the steam group (might not work on downpatches, sadly);
  • Autosplitter (by dyrax) - for multi-heist runs like Full Game, Infamy or Story;
  • Mute Objective Sounds (by 9600bauds) - mutes the sound that plays every time the heist objective is updated (this one will be getting a toggle option in the future);
  • Mute HE Sound (by Javgarag) - mutes the explosion sound of HE rounds (again, will become toggleable in the later versions);
  • Preplanning Presets (by Test1, Kamikaze94) - a feature from VHud, that allows you to save a certain configuration of preplanning assets for later use;
  • Disable Steam Inventory Loading (by Sora) - an optimisation mod, that stops steam inventory from loading up every time you load into a lobby, thus improving load times (you will keep your skins, don't worry);
  • CustomFOV (by =U$= -Gesicht-) - a mod that some runners used to increase their FOV above the vanilla max, added so you don't have to reinstall and remove the mod every time you want to change your FOV;
  • CRIME.NET Perfromance Improvement (by Test1, Legendary Soldier) - optimisation mod that fixes various issues like lobbies not showing up.

In addition to the QoL modpack for the Speedrunning Mod, we're also introducing a seperate modpack, specifically for anyone running Infamy related categories as requested by the Infamy speedrunning community. This is an optional modpack that includes all prior QoL mods from the QoL modpack, in addition to a few specific ones pertaining to Infamy runs, which includes:Please note that the download for this pack does not include RNG modifier, since it's not allowed to be used in infamy runs! Thanks to @bunni and @Çaptain Ålpha for testing and development! Enjoy, and a please tell us if you experience any issues/crashes with this modpack!

  • Job Heat Remover Button (by Chichi, Javgarag) - adds a button in the Crime.Net menu that clears all job heat while pressed, particularly useful for after practice or after an Unrestricted Infamy run. As the popup when using it says, using it mid run will void your run so be careful not to do so;
  • Revert Infamy (by Javgarag) - allows you to revert an infamy level and change your level back to 100, very useful for when you want to reset a run quickly;
  • Reassign Skill Sets (by Javgarag, Offyerrocker) - allows you to optionally relink every Profile with its matching Skill Set manually in the mod options menu, useful if you want to lessen time spent in menus doing skills.

and finally i forgot to announce this on here but if you are in the discord you already know, we had a small update to RNG modifier and speedruning mod before the Qol update:

  • Added Improved RNG Manipulation for the trucks on all Transport Heists
  • Names for shadow raid loot RNG (special thanks to ItWasBob)
  • we have decided to add the community items fix from the suggested mods for the mod pack early as it has been causing frustrations for runners and overkill likely are no longer going to update the game.

Link to mods:

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Posted 1 month ago by

Hello runners! I am pleased to announce that the main leaderboard renovations have now been completed! With these renovations complete, we hope the site now feels more fluid to use and easier to understand. Alongside the renovations, the rule rewrite has also been completed. We hope that these newly written rules are simpler to understand and make more sense from a leaderboard structural standpoint (no more discussing rules that aren't applicable to categories that have been chosen by the user or overtly repetitive across ALL categories like beforehand).

Finally, as a closing comment regarding the situation with the former moderator Nasuper's runs - his runs have now been appropriately removed (in the case for solo runs), or anonymised in regards to co-op runs. Co-op runs are still viewable on site, so please do not fear that you've "lost runs" due to his behaviour if you have ran with him in the past, as that is not the case, and we've been meticulously cautious to preserve runs and their history as much as possible. We apologise to any runner whom has ran with Nasuper in the past, as they'll have been spammed a little during our resubmission efforts to anonymise Nasuper's name off of their runs. Once again, we are thankful for the patience on all of your behalves in order to maintain a supportive and welcoming community for both new, and current, runners alike.

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Posted 2 months ago by

Hey runners! Today we have two more announcements to make: one we're very excited about and one we didn't want to make. I'll start with the good one: main leaderboard renovations! We will be rolling out the updated leaderboard setup in the span of the next few days! We'll still have to move some runs around - due to SRC limitations, so the leaderboard is going to look a bit messy - however, don't worry, it's gonna look great again after the changes are applied! What are the renovations, you may ask? I'll give you a short rundown: categories and rules touch-up. Categories will look cleaner and easier to navigate (see CE individual levels section for an example), as well as the internal structure being more flexible, which will allow for any potential future changes to happen more easily. Each subcategory will have its own set of rules, relevant only to that specific section, which will allow for better readability and hopefully less confusion and clutter when you click on the rules for that subcategory. The rules themselves are getting a rewrite so that they're more understandable for people. This is NOT a rule change, it's just to make them easier to read and understand. However, one change will happen: Glitchless will no longer allow for duping of items or bags because that doesn't make any sense to have in there, as well as the co-op slowmotion penalty will now be less strict - from 5 seconds to 3. Runs that had a penalty applied to them will be retimed after all the changes are applied. We hope you will enjoy these renovations, as they were not easy to achieve!

Now onto the unfortunate part of this... As you may know, the former leaderboard moderator Nasuper - following his removal from the leaderboard moderation status - has been engaging into incredibly harmful actions for the past few months. That includes: continuous stalking, harassment, and slander of staff, multiple pd2 runners (including members of the new moderation team), attempts to sabotage the leaderboards prior to his removal, hate speech and many more instances of bigotry. Our moderation team obviously does not endorse such behaviour from anyone. With a heavy heart and after a lot of discussion internally a decision has been made to remove any presence of that person from the leaderboards, as there is absolutely no place for such people within this community. Their co-op runs will have their name and video removed, however the time will be kept to honour the other runners that participated in those runs, as they are not to blame and deserve their times to remain; their solo runs will be completely removed. This was not an easy path to take, as we think that preserving the speedrun history is incredibly important, however we strive to keep this community healthy, friendly, and fun for everyone, so we decided to act on the matter and take any attention away from this person, as such bad actors deserve no recognition and spotlight. We hope that such decision will be taken well by the rest of the community and will serve as an example. At the end of the day we're all human and everyone deserves to be treated as a normal person, regardless of their race, gender, sexuality or world views.

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Posted 4 months ago by

Hi Runners we have added RNG manipulation for the following heist:

Hell's Island: all options for glitchless runs

No Mercy: all options for glitchless runs

Slaughterhouse: all options for glitchless runs

Scarface: Wire box locations for glitchless runs

White Xmas: Santa will now always roll the best animation RNG (there is no check box for this its just always on)

Fixed broken RNG options for the following heists:

All Transports asides Train: Vans not spawning correct amount on DW+

Murky Station: Bomb location tweaking for sides of the train

Yacht heist: fixed an issue with button spawn locations RNG not working as intended

There are now two versions you can download, for players that already have extra profiles set up you will want to use the no profiles mod version to stop your profiles from getting corruptedor erased, if its your first time using the mods you want the regular version.

Download link to the new version:

Thanks for testing the mod, @lunayuki and @rekhyt_19, thank you to @.captainalpha and @.unknownknight for development

!Be sure to download BOTH the speedrun mod and RNG mod together for it to work correctly!

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Posted 9 months ago by

Hi @Runner we are releasing version 1.38 of RNG Modifier, this contains RNG manipulation for: Art gallery Bank heist Big Oil Day 1 Bomb: Forest Buluc’s Mansion Counterfeit Diamond Heist Escapes: Overpass, Garage, Park, Cafe and Street Firestarter Day 1 Four Stores Go Bank Heat Street Hoxton Breakout Day 2 Panic Room Rats Day 1 and Day 2 San Martin Bank Shadow Raid The Big Bank The Biker Heist Day 1 and Day 2 The Bomb: Dockyard Undercover Watchdogs Day 1 and Day 2 White Xmas Download link to the new version: Spreadsheet of everything added / fixed: Thanks for testing the mod, @LunaYuki , @Alt and @seekermodule , thank you to @Çaptain Ålpha and @Unknown Knight for development !Be sure to download BOTH the speedrun mod and RNG mod together for it to work correctly!

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Posted 10 months ago by

Hello everyone, introducing the new mod team: Lunayuki and Arustik will be joining as super mods, Roseyoshino and CapitanBublo are returning to the boards as moderators and expo2 and Pizzayumyum joining as verifiers. We all hope to bring you the best boards we can and make speedrunning better for every type of runner, new and old!

While there are lots of changes we'd like to make, what we really want is for the community have their say on what is done with the boards moving forwards. As I said in my original announcement about me becoming a super mod, we are interested in everyone's suggestions for ways to improve the boards, rules, categories and anything else, really, so feel free to let us know!

Happy heisting from the new Payday 2 moderation team!

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Posted 10 months ago by

Hi everyone, sorry I haven’t updated anyone here, there has been a change in moderation and I am now super mod for the payday 2 SRC page, im current working on gathering additional members to fill out the moderation team and will announce who will be joining in the next few days, for now I just wanted to introduce myself and update anyone who was out of the loop, any questions you have you can speak to me here and also through the payday 2 discord or via DMs on either platform, im so happy to be given this opportunity and hope to help improve the boards for every runner, new and old!

It also seems the old moderation removed the link to speedrun mod / RNG modified, we are discussing with Captain alpha about putting these on GitHub in the future but for now I have a temporary google drive link for the files:

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Posted 11 months ago by

Good evening Runner

Nasuper and I are glad to announce the arrival of the Holdout for solo and co-op.

You can find the new categories following this link :

Rules are written for both categories. You're free to play with bots or not for solo and co-op. Plus, all the listed players must be present untill the end of the heist. It's not allowed to leave the heist.

Also the 9 waves must be played.

We wish you a good speedrun !

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Posted 11 months ago by

I forgot to announce this addition on the site's news feed. My bad, sorry for the delay!

Added RNG manipulation for the following heist: Mountain Master.

Plus the addition of a new option : "More profile" was added following a vote in the Discord : 23 in favor and 2 against.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added RNG manipulation for the following heist: Framing Frame (day 3)

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added RNG manipulation for the following heist: Crude Awakening

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha and Unknown Knight

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added RNG manipulation for the following heist: Crude Awakening

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added RNG manipulation for the following heist: Brokklyn 10-10

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added RNG manipulation for the following heist: Breaking Feds

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added RNG manipulation for the following heist: White house, Framing Frame and Breaking Ballot

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added RNG manipulation for the following heist: Goat simulator, Election day (day3) and Ukrainian job

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added RNG manipulation for the following heist: Nightclub

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added RNG manipulation for the following heist: Hostile Takeover, Biker heist, Goat simulator, Jewelry store, Henry's rock, Birth of sky and Border Crystals.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Hostile Takeover and Biker heist

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Breakin' Feds, Dragon heist, Biker Heist and Henry's Rock

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Meltdown and Diamond Store

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Murky Station, Midland Ranch and Train Heist.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for The Bomb : Forest.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Rats day 1 & 2, Ukrainian job and Alaskan Deal.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Hello Runners,

Following the vote that was held 1 month ago, with 100% in favor of adding a glitchless category, the decision to add a glitchless category was adopted. Different glitchless categories have been chosen. Glitchless for solo and co-op as well as botless glitchless for solo. Therefore the botless has been renamed Any% botless. The following rules have been chosen for glitchless which are also displayed at the bottom of the category rules page.

If you wish, you can also submit pre-existing runs that meet the conditions of glitchless. Wishing you a good game and excellent runs!

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Lost in Transit.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Midland Ranch.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

QQL improvement for the Speedrunnnig mod : Crew stats now selected by default.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Boiling Point

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Reservoir Dogs. (Mr Pïnk crashing at the palm tree)

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 1 year ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Lab Rats.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Election day (Swing vote). Added a second crowbar location.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Transport : Train Heist. (No hackbox)

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Cursed kill room.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Hotline Miami (day 1 and 2), Henry's Rock, Alaskan deal, Hoxton revenge, Firestarter (day 2)

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Border Crossing.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Levi_Barber.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Mountain Master. (Wooden door option)

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Hoxton Breakout. (keycard options for Hoxton Breakout "the search")

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Mountain Master. (Added the spawn of the 2nd gold stash in the car room and the best ladder spawn for the end on the roof)

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight, Captain Alpha and Levi_Barber.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Mountain Master

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight, Captain Alpha and Levi_Barber.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Fix some RNG titles on the manager that did not fit the description in the First World Bank.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Captain Alpha.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Hoxton Breakout

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Nightclub

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Qql update of the RNGmodifier.

Now when you are in-heist, if the mission you are playing does not have "heist" options, it will not be displayed and it will only offer you the "all" options.

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Big Bank

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight and Captain Alpha.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Hoxton Revenge. (You can fix the amount of the evidences)

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Breakin' Feds (Add fix for boxes RNG)

You can download the new version with this link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added RNG manipulation for Election Day (Swing Vote).

Here is the downloading link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added RNG manipulation for Border Crossing.

Here is the downloading link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Hoxton Revenge and Hoxton Breakout. You can now fix the rock shortcut on Hoxton Revenge and get no drill van on the day 1 of Hoxton Breakout + make closest shelf to door correct & make first scanned evidence correct on the day 2 of Hoxton Breakout.

Here is the downloading link :

Credit to Unknown Knight.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Hoxton Revenge. (Keycards location, FBI Boss location and Evidences location)

Here is the downloading link :

Credit to Unknown Knight, Captain Alpha and Levi_Barber.

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added some RNG manipulation for Black Cat.

Here is the downloading link :

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Posted 2 years ago by

Added RNG manipulation for Black Cat.

Here is the downloading link :

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Game stats
Latest news
Qol Mod pack and Infamy mod pack Release, also RNG mod update

Hey Runners The first version of the QoL modpack is out now as a separate branch of the Speedrunning Mod! It includes:

  • Community Items (by vojin154) - gets rid of the community items being locked upon launching the game without leaving and rejoining the steam group (might not work on downpatches,
10 days ago
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