Concerning Submissions
8 years ago
South Holland, Netherlands

Guys, I've noticed a lot of people either enter a real time and a game time, or just enter only a real time. I just want to make clear that on this site we're not interested in the real time whatsoever and you're not required to time it.

I hope this might clear up some confusion if there was any.

Zanum, theambr and 2 others like this
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Qol Mod pack and Infamy mod pack Release, also RNG mod update

Hey Runners The first version of the QoL modpack is out now as a separate branch of the Speedrunning Mod! It includes:

  • Community Items (by vojin154) - gets rid of the community items being locked upon launching the game without leaving and rejoining the steam group (might not work on downpatches,
10 days ago
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