Can somebody explain to me what is going on with this dupe ?

I don't understand why the game (PS2 version) is freezing like this.


The only reason I can think of is that you started the mission with Vigilante running. When you get out of the vehicle with Vigilante running, you need to hold the side-mission button until the phone starts ringing, then let go of that button (it should end Vigilante), and then run in the marker (without cancelling the call).

The game usually crashes if you try to start a mission with a side-mission running, but in this case it just softlocked you apparently.


The reason why the game freezes here, is because it can't handle 2 different missions at once. In your case you probably tried to dupe "Hit the courier" with the vigilante mission, but the vigilante has to be canceled before you jump in the marker, otherwise it results in a crash (at least for the PAL and NTSC-U version).

If you want to prevent the game from freezing, you have to abuse phone calls. Here are the steps which you need to dupe a mission on the PS2 version:

  1. Start vigilante and touch the save icon (Just like you did in the video)
  2. After the timer started and the mission markers are still there, press and HOLD R3 (If you let go off R3 now, the vigilante will cancel).
  3. Press the triangle button, while still holding R3, to get out of the car
  4. When standing outside, wait for a phone call. As soon as the phone rings, let go off R3 to cancel the vigilante. After that you can jump in the mission marker to start it.
  5. Skip the cutscene, enter your car to cancel the phone call, get out and jump in the mission marker again.
  6. If you have done everything correctly the mission should be duped now.

I hope that these steps will help you. Of course you can also use them to dupe other missions. Please let me know if it worked for you!


Thank to both of you ! I will try it this afternoon.


This works. But the distribution strat, right after that, makes the game crash. Perhaps because of my european version of the game.


Yeah, the distribution dupe only works on the Japanese version. You can check out OC's old PB on the US version to see a route you could use. It also contains duping but you will still have to complete a few assets on PS2 US. There might be a better route, but I haven't looked into it.


I am afraid that OC's route might not work for him, since OC used rampages in order to dupe the assets. The French version of the game is censored and the rampages won't appear there. The phone call duping method would work for "Hit the courier" and "Checkpoint Charlie", but it does not work for the distribution mission. In other words: Cherry Poppers can only be duped with a rampage, which he can't use... Or is there another method to dupe Cherry Poppers without rampages?


Completing the assets is too boring. I think i'm gonna buy the japanese version of the game.

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