Minecraft Speedrunning Questions Thread
9 years ago
United States

I set up the auto-reset mod through this video: I wanted to double check that this setup is allowed, because it automatically resets the world without showing the inputs or world creation screen used to create it. One of the rules listed for speedrunning is: If using a macro to create new worlds, we recommend a delay of at least 70ms between inputs to ensure all show up on video. Does this rule counteract with the auto-reset mod, or is it fine to use it even though it doesn't show any of the world creation screen.

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United States

@danthechocfan yes it is allowed

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United States

thats not a question

Czech Republic

Can I ask which mods should I use for 1.16.1 speedruns? I have got once 1h 12min while knowing know strats just spawning near fortress and mined gold and now I started using pie chart (which has BTW just stopped working it's full green when on block entities no matter what - multiple days) and little bit of e ray and trained some one cycles but I still can't even leave the nether under 1h (cuz of terrible fortresses or no forts at all). So I though I maybe could get some QoL or fps boost mods to speedrunning make little bit easier. I'm having just Vanilla and on 16 blocks render I usually have 30-60fps. Any must have mods for mine situation?

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New South Wales, Australia


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@kotvič Here is a list of all allowed mods atm https://www.speedrun.com/mc/news/613 And here is a tutorial on how to install them all

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I wanted to ask if other runners have been verified yet? I see that the leaderboard is a bit outdated at the SSG part where Pre 1.9 WR is now sub 3 instead of 3:26. In fact, it has been beaten 3 times in a row.

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New South Wales, Australia

Runs take time to verify wait around 8 years and they will be verified.

Wrap, Deux, and MinecraftGaming like this
Colorado, USA

is fast reset mod still banned?

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Is it okay to edit splash texts just for fun? or not scince it dosent affect the run?

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New South Wales, Australia

@Eimerplayz127 i believe so

MinecraftGaming and Deux like this

How do you show /seed with cheats off?

New South Wales, Australia

@jboy33 im pretty sure you can do it with cheats off but if not you can use "open to lan" then "enable cheats" at the end of the run to do it.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Encripted, Hashbrown1806, and Deux like this

What is the mod that speed runners like Crookst use to load 9 instances at once and choose one or any others such as the one where you load smaller instances?


This may not be the one Crookst use's but heres one

Edited by the author 2 years ago
leto_saa likes this
United Kingdom

Specnr's macro is the one people use for The Wall, which is what you mentioned Crookst as doing. This is the setup video for it:

leto_saa likes this

One more question, how do speed runners reset their pie chart so that they can use it both for fortresses as well as mapless?


@BarkleyH20 Pressing 0 will get you back to previous chart. So if you want to go from mapless chart to fortress chart you press 0-0-0-tick-level-entities-blockEntities

iH20 and leto_saa like this

I can't set the timer settings. It does not mark a specific segment, but a complete

United Kingdom

I assume you're using livesplit, instead I recommend using SpeedrunIGT (in the resources page on this website) as it is a direct mod and allows for more control over the timer and it's settings/rules.

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Updated Legal Mods

Updated Legal Mods:

  • (1.3.1-1.21) Atum 1.3.0: Changes death screen title button to no longer trigger a reset.
  • (1.3.1-1.21) Set Spawn 4.0.0: Added config reloading and Seedqueue support.
  • (1.3.1-1.21) SpeedRunIGT 14.2: This update ports 14.x features to all versions, adds relevan
1 day ago