Minecraft Speedrunning Questions Thread
9 years ago

Matolog if anyone happened to get the set seed's seed in a random seed category, it is likely that the mods or the mc speedrunning cummunity would have to make a descision on what would happen. Because as far as I know there aren't any specific rules for that matter yet. This is because, like you said, the chance to actually get the right seed being so small ( 1 / 2^64, i.e very small) that it's virtually impossible to ever happen.

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Im new to this and i was trying to get a timer to use but none i found would work, but i found some mods that display a timer and i was wondering if those would be allowed or not?

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there are timers listed in the resources page, if there are any problems with them you can contact the people who made them on discord

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Washington, USA

do I need sound to be on in the recording of the speed run? just wanna make sure I'm doing this right.

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United States

No but it's recommended

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Ohio, USA

It can be randomly generated...

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Question on a rule not listed There's no breakdown or mention on the limitations of Gamerule Settings... I'm very new to Minecraft.; only started with 1.16. And if you think that makes me a noob, you should also consider that I have never gamed with a K&M before either, So I die a lot! Assuming 'KeepInventory True' would have no impact on the higher ranking times, but would really make entry-level running for us scrubs striving for a humble top-300 way less of an uphill battle. Would this be allowed, specifically in 1.16 RS Glitchless?

Edit: NM, I just realised how that would impact the return from the Blaze Spawner.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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Hi im new to speedrunning and ive been interested in doing it on stream. I have a facecam and I wanted to know if that having a video with a facecam is allowed. The only reason why I think it wouldnt would be because it covers up a portion of the screen. I wanted some clarification on this.

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French Southern Territories

@TinyPepito I think so but mods may say differently


@TinyPepito yes u may use a facecam, but u should put it on the right side of the screen. Ur not supposed to cover anything on the leftside of the screen which shows ur f3 as explained by VRPlaYK in another thread

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Pennsylvania, USA


I am new to speedrunning but hope to get better lmao.

Just a quick question If I am in a speedrun, and I die. Can I respawn and continue?

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New Jersey, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

Yes, you can respawn and continue. Most speedrunners when they die automatically reset after dying. Dying in a speedrun can be a huge time loss. If you're looking just to get a personal best and that's it, don't worry about dying.


May i ask about the new streaming rule? I mean, why was it established if it's just temporary? I was just curious about that! :)

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New Jersey, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

The rule only applies to top 5 runs in the any% rsg categories. There have been many splicers trying to get on the leaderboards and we cannot allow that. It is temporary until a better solution is found.

Pennsylvania, USA

so i have to be streaming to get on the leaderboard?

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United States

For RSG, would using a boat to fall without taking fall damage count as a glitch? (Not MLG like with a bucket, but getting in the boat and rowing off the side of a cliff)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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No, using a boat to negate fall damage (by MLGing or rowing off an edge) is not a glitch, so it's okay to use it for RSG.

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Can i use Programmer Art resource pack in 1.16.1? its built-in game

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Question regarding Piglin Bartering This patch data would suggest the only 1.16 version worth playing is 20w10a... right? 1.16.0 20w07a 2⁄109 (~1.83%) stack size of 2–4. 20w09a 10⁄226 (~4.42%) stack size of 1–5. 20w10a 20⁄411 (~4.87%) stack size of 4–8. 1.16.2 20w28a 10⁄459 (~2.18%) stack size of 2–4.

Do I have that right? And a snapshot-20w10a submission would be valid for a 1.16 glitchless random seed run, right? Also, is Optifine allowed, or no?

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