how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12
3 months ago
He/Him, They/Them
3 months ago

how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12how do you get atum and speedrunigt for 1.12

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She/Her, They/Them
3 months ago install legacy fabric (or if you use multimc, drag the zip onto the window) then install mods

Zanum likes this
He/Him, They/Them
3 months ago


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Updated Legal Mods:

  • (1.3.1-1.21) Atum 1.3.0: Changes death screen title button to no longer trigger a reset.
  • (1.3.1-1.21) Set Spawn 4.0.0: Added config reloading and Seedqueue support.
  • (1.3.1-1.21) SpeedRunIGT 14.2: This update ports 14.x features to all versions, adds relevan
1 day ago