A Couple of Questions for Minecraft Speedrunning.
3 years ago

I'm new to speed running and I want to get in the community so I just would like to ask a couple of questions maybe 2-5.

  1. How do I setup the timer? \ As in the "rta and igt" that I see on other speed runners streams for example, DaniMilkman. ( https://www.twitch.tv/danimilkman ).

  2. Which are the top 5 best clients for speed running. \ The only clients that I've heard of are JellySquid (I think that's what its called) I don't know much about that one and Optifine that I personally use.

  3. What mods are banned and which clients are banned? \ I saw on a different thread asking if Badlion Client and Lunar Client are banned and the only response I saw was about Badlion Client not being allowed and I'm asking if there's any others that aren't allowed.

  4. Do you have any tips for speed running? \ From this I am asking what I should do in order to get a good run like how much wood should I get?, should I go to the nether as fast as i can? and like how to prepare and do a one cycle of the dragon? And more questions like that but I cant think of right now.

If you are able to at least help with one of these questions that will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


tips: learn bastions

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  1. for 1.16 only fabric is allowed with jellysquid's mods (Sodium, Phosphor, Lithium)
  2. As i said all mods except Sodium Phosphor and Lithium are allowed (if you will use these mods dont use fabric api they dont need it)
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Seward, AK, USA

A big tip is to learn how to navigate in the nether, bastions fortresses and how to find them, try to travel across flat surfaces like soul sand valleys or wastelands. also know which quadrant to be looking in. if you are at a Bastian near the origin go to the opposite quadrant to find the nearest nether fortress(for example Bastian at -,-, go to +,+) when you are in a nether fortress to find the spawner always go directly away from a staircase with nether warts and always go up staircases without them. this puts you in the right direction. on top of that know how to find a stronghold. remember that the closest strongholds are at 1408 2688. you always need to be traveling away from the origin to reach these coordinates quickly. Random nether travel is important too. since you know him, Dani uses a technique in which he finds the angle of which the eye travels which tells him about how far away the stronghold is. for beginners though the best strategy is triangulation, throw an eye go towards it but also slightly to the side then go far to the side and throw another eye. where the two lines from the eyes meet is the stronghold

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Seward, AK, USA

as for the questions you posed, wood doesn't matter at all. You want to go to the nether when you have food, beds, stone tools, some blocks, and the things required to make a portal. as for One cycling, its tough for beginners, try to bring at least 7 beds and be patient with them, don't do it too soon, wait till they are doing their third to last spin on the perch. one thing I forgot to mention in the first post, if you know exactly what chunk the spiral stairs are in, you can find your chunk coords, go to the middle of the chunk and fall right through.