been 17 days still not verified
5 years ago
California, USA

I submitted 5 any% PBs, one from 17 days ago, and they're still not verified. Can someone verify my runs please?

Edited by the author 5 years ago
zsjetu9 likes this
Caernarfonshire, Wales

Mods have irl lives you know. If you have read the rule changes announcement you might know that some of the mods said they are busy irl.

Ribb95, noobguy57 and 2 others like this
United States

A very disrespectful comment. @youtubeman06

Ontario, Canada

It hasn't been a month. 1 month is the longest a run should wait to be added to the leaderboard according to the website itself, so until then there isn't an issue.

California, USA

Ok, thanks for letting me know @KingOf_JonnyBoy and @TicTacBean. Sorry if I sounded disrespectful @Hydro but I didn't mean to be rude

Ribb95, colin and 3 others like this

He wasn't being rude, or disrepectful, he was asking if he could have his runs verified

@youtubeman06 You can also try asking a mod yourself and they might have your run verified, that's how I got my any% PB verified, like contacting them on Twitch or something maybe

Mars02, TheMightyGiantDad and 5 others like this
New Hampshire, USA

The mods will verify soon enough. They'll see it.

noobguy57 likes this
Michigan, USA

He definitely wasn't being disrespectful. I think it's reasonable to make a post after 17 days of no verification from any of the 12 mods of the game.

Mars02, TheMightyGiantDad and 6 others like this
Madison, WI, USA

Yes but mods here always get backlash from people and are always being pestered to verify and all this stuff. Give them a break. It's not fair to them to have to babysit.

KingOfJonnyBoy likes this
Michigan, USA

@noobguy57 ??? So because they get occasional backlash for a decision, warranted or not, that warrants not verifying runs? Your point doesn't seem to make much sense to me. This would be a more understandable situation if there weren't 12 mods to the game.

Madison, WI, USA

@Francesco they have lives, you need to give them a break. How would you like it spending all day verifying? Remember, this is voluntary work.

Michigan, USA

@noobguy57 I too have a life and I too am a mod for a highly active game that only has one other active mod. And guess what? We rarely take more than a day to verify a run. This game, while surely having more submissions, has TWELVE mods. The fact that not a single one is able to verify a run for 17 days is ridiculous. If you don't have the time to be a mod, that's perfectly fine, but then that means you shouldn't be a mod. This is not meant to be an attack at the mods, but I'm just saying that he has the right to make a post for no verification for that long of a time.

mouseman, B1GEY3DPYTH0N and 4 others like this
Oklahoma, USA

Unpopular opinion alert

With respect and love for the mods that actually verify - there have been people that have requested to be mods that are very capable of verifying, and they don't get accepted. Two of them actually WERE mods (for about a day), and then were unmodded for god knows what reason. Instead, they modded three people. one of which doesn't verify at all (to my knowledge) (shout out to the other two, who are great) and even THAT took them the better part of a year to add those three. They also kept a few that never verify runs and are not active on the boards... instead of modding those that can verify runs. I don't have sympathy for mods' busy schedules when it's a position that many other people would be glad to help with. If it's a queue that has enough runs that it's difficult to verify them all in a timely manner, then add more trustworthy mods... until the workload is NOT overwhelming, or until there are NOT fully capable trustworthy mod applicants available that are specifically requesting to be mods. It really is that simple.

17 days is not timely, the 1 month threshold is the threshold that it is SO bad and delinquent that the super-mods of the entire site would step in... That doesn't need to be the bar on smb1 of what constitutes "timely".

There is no reason for a run to go 17 days. Unless there's some sort of complication about that specific run that we don't know about - and in that instance, it would seem like a courtesy to message a user that has been as involved and active as youtubeman a courtesy message saying that there's an issue... a one sentence message - if it's going to be taking so long.

If the queue were long and the mods had nobody that wanted to help and/or was capable of helping (whether through skill or trustworthiness) that would TOTALLY make sense, and I would feel for the mods. However, that's just not the case. There are several people that would love to help verify runs that are extremely capable - they just aren't allowed to for some reason.

<3 to the mods that verify runs... less <3 to the ones that don't verify or have been jamming up the process of adding more mods - because they care more about limiting access to the elite mod club than in actually verifying runs.

Before you have a knee-jerk reaction to the above... ask yourself this, is anything I said wrong?

Edited by the author 5 years ago
mouseman, Lul_ecks_dee and 7 others like this
Madison, WI, USA

I'm not saying that 17 days is an acceptable wait but I'm just trying to give them a shot. It's frustrating to see some of the backlash that they get. Am I saying they are perfect? No! No-one is perfect. I'm just trying to be nice and not be rude to people. But I guess that doesn't get you anywhere in life anymore? Have things suddenly changed and I'm just missing it???

Madison, WI, USA

I'm not trying to tell you that at all. I thought I made it clear and I'm just trying to be kind to everyone but noooooooo!! That doesnt seem to work anymore!! I get your frustration. I never said 17 days is acceptable. Again I'm just trying to be kind to everyone and I obviously have to repeat this since nobody can seem to get the message around here. I'm just trying to be nice which I thought gets you placed in life but nope! I just get shot down out of the air for trying to be a decent human being. Am I doing something wrong? Am I not supposed to respect people and TRY to treat everyone fairly? Guess not.

New York, USA

what is wrong with you people? youtubeman, i do completely understand your frustration. but ffs. the mods dont deserve all the crap they get. best thing to do if its been a while, just contact one of them on discord. im starting to think this community is toxic.

Mars02, Lul_ecks_dee and 2 others like this
Colorado, USA

Alright, let's chill for a bit before this thread starts spiraling out of control attacking each other. Everyone can express their opinions in a civil matter. If we all can't do that, then I'm locking the thread. Feedback from the community is important. Both positive and negative, let's just keep it civil.

I have responses, but I'm in the middle of cooking dinner, so I'll try to get back to this in a bit.

Mars02, eddiecatgaming and 4 others like this
Madison, WI, USA

I'm trying to keep it civil but people don't seem to understand I'm trying to treat everyone fairly and give you guys a chance and be kind. I thought being kind was the way to go. After reading this I'm starting to think that maybe it's not and maybe it's just me. I hope not.

New York, USA

thank you roopert for stepping in. this was getting out of hand quickly.

Texas, USA

Thanks Roopert. Yeah Noobguy its never wrong to be kind. If someone treats you unkindly back that doesn't mean you did anything wrong. Just that some people are unkind. Anyway I understand people can be frustrated that runs may take some time to get verified. It happens and theres not much reason to get in a fuss about it. Mods will get to them when they can.

Lul_ecks_dee, noobguy57 and 7 others like this
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Requirements for High-Level Any% Runs

Any% (NTSC) runs below 4:57.000 must now fulfill additional requirements in order to be verified.

  • The run's full session must be included in the submission description.
  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
5 months ago