thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

If your issue is YT not accepting videos longer than 15m then you should look to see why you have that limitation on your account. I don't believe it's a high bar to clear to get that limit removed (there is still a 12h limit or so but that is much easier to get underneath)

thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

I didn't miss the point of the post. You made a dumb decision. You passed off something that was someone else's as not that person's. Joke or not, you messed with the leaderboards, and that kind of act is not something that I can give anyone trust in after doing so. How do we know you haven't done it before? How do we know your runs are verified correctly, or runs you verified are correct? Without that trust that you lost, we don't know. And that trust is why I don't feel you should be a moderator. You broke that trust. You need to understand what breaking that trust involves, and my opinion is that you should not be a moderator as a result of it. You may earn it back. I don't know. But it will not be easy and it will not be fast.

YUMmy_Bacon5, XSuperFlareStarX and 2 others like this
thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

Let me say this: As someone entirely outside the community, when someone submits a run they KNOW is not theirs or submits a run they KNOW is theirs under another name, I lose a huge amount of trust in that person when it comes to the leaderboards. Anyone who does that does not deserve to be a moderator- if you feel there's an issue with the game's moderation verification that bad that you think you can pass a run off that's not yours or pass another account with your run as not yours, you should talk with the game's moderators about being a bit better about verification than to pull that kind of a stunt. So I, as an outsider, am 100% against you being a moderator on that stunt alone.

As far as how you've been treated since then... I'd say that there's a lot of issues at hand here and that maybe SHIFT isn't the person who should be in charge, but that all goes well beyond the scope of this thread, and even if anything happens it should not be with restoring you to moderator status of the game.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Hako, and 6oliath like this
thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

"KomradeKontroll Dec 11 2017, 23:07:12 I assume all runs with picture or no visual evidence at all to be fake runs tbh"

"KomradeKontroll Dec 18 2017, 20:50:41 @IlluminaTea I didn't say anything is fake other than runs with no visual evidence. If the visual evidence was just a picture though I would probably reject that too, since it's easy to fake."

I see what you did here.

thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

FTR, I directed him here since I knew the mod request thread wasn't the right place, so if nothing is needed I take partial blame.

thread: Speedrunning
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

By playing a game I really, really enjoy for one (Twilight Princess) and playing a game that I'm driven by competition (Metroid: Other M) for the other.

thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

So 3DS force-enables New 3DS, but New 3DS does NOT force-enable 3DS?

Hako and HowDenKing like this
thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

I'm not understanding. is what I see.

HowDenKing likes this
thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

What is the number bug? I literally don't see it.

thread: Speedrunning
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

Twilight Princess 100% was my longest; I had worked my PB down from over the 10h mark to where it currently stands at 7h31m. Now Twilight Princess Bug Limit 100% is my longest, at 8h36m - this run, by rules, is also no save/quit.

thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

There is literally no reason to make three posts with a reply to one person in each. Just do one post with three replies, but frankly, there was no need to reply to anything. Including no need to reply to this, either, so don't.

Slevanas likes this
thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

Note to mods/admins: said thread was replied to by others.

thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

Inactive being at least three weeks, not six hours, either. And you have to try to contact if ways exist, and have an actual reason to need moderator for the game.

thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

What if (regarding the ordering of runs on your profile page) it was based on the order you put the games in under your Games tab? Like say you follow 5 games; A, B, C, D, E. You've got a run in Game B and a run in Game D, and three different categories in Game E. If you have your games in BEACD order, the run from Game B would be on top, then the three from Game E, then the one from Game D.

Slevanas and Mitsunee like this
thread: Speedrunning
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

If you want to time a segmented run, I would make each segment a set of splits on its own instead. The other alternative is to just play and not worry about splitting, and then time the videos afterward to find the fastest. This strategy has the benefit of being accurate to the frame assuming you can time it appropriately.

thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

Dude. We're not a place for highscoring records, we don't support it, and we never will be. Other sites out there exist for stuff like that. If you're just going to try and rules lawyer your ass out of anything it's not going to work, the mods of the site (site mods, not game mods) will not put up with that kind of shit.

toca, HowDenKing, and Hako like this
thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

UbuntuJackson have some damn patience dude. This is not a job for anyone, this is something we do in our free time, and the majority of us do it for fun. Take a step back and give people time to do shit. If it's been a week or so and nothing happens maybe try a ¤FRIENDLY¤ reminder. That entire conversation you had was in the span of six hours. Most people sleep more than six hours a day, so it's very possible that for the entire conversation where you were being an impatient twat one of the people that can do something about it was sleeping.


thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

Because your cache eventually cleared on its own.

HowDenKing likes this
thread: The Site
United StatesHabreno6 years ago

After you upload the picture clear your cache.

HowDenKing, ConkyJoe89, and Pac like this
About Habreno
7 years ago
2 days ago
Games run
Metroid: Other M
Metroid: Other M
Last run 2 years ago
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Last run 1 year ago
Rodea the Sky Soldier (Wii)
Rodea the Sky Soldier (Wii)
Last run 7 years ago
Games moderated
Metroid: Other M
Metroid: Other M
Last action 1 year ago