Which version is better??
2 years ago
Queensland, Australia

After watching some runs, I do not want to do Pre 1.9 or 1.16+. I'm planning on doing 1.9-1.15 runs, but I don't know which version is better 1.14 or 1.15. I know a lot of runs use 1.14 but a lot of people use 1.15 and I seem to get better seeds on 1.15. If you could let me know which version to use, that would be amazing!

United States

If you're going for casual runs, you could run 1.14.4. If you're trying to beat your personal best or get a top time, I recommend 1.15.2 because insomniac strats are so much faster than the regular trading strats.

If you want to see a tutorial about insomniac strats, here is one by Korbanoes:

Yontoba, RoyalKlown, and Mika_MDF like this
Washington, USA

1.14.4 is easier and better if your just beginning, but if your aiming for a top time then 1.15

Queensland, Australia

Ty for answers!

Czech Republic

1.15 also has some improvements such as functional pie chart and less harsh 5-min lag, also Sodium is there for 1.15

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  • (1.20-1.20.6) StandardSettings 1.2.4 has been ported to 1.20-1.20.6.
  • (1.19+) Planifolia 1.0.1 for 1.19+: supports launching without Sodium for gamma 5 by itself and fixes a visual desync of the entity culling option when it is set via StandardSettings
  • **(1.19+)
3 days ago