Has anyone tried playing on a joystick/fightstick on emu?
3 years ago

I know nes advantage sucks but if donkey kong players or fighting game players can do frame perfect things regularly with joysticks would it possibly be beneficial for emu?

Especially a hitbox might be interesting (all buttons no joystick) as it's similar to a keyboard with bigger keys.

dlloyd10 likes this
Oklahoma, USA

Beneficial? no way - would be way harder to do precise tricks - many of which include left/right/release toggles in single or double frame windows.

dlloyd10 likes this
Nevada, USA

I know people have gotten FPG and done other tricks (4-2 bumps) on joystick, but I agree with Darpey, it would make it harder (but still possible), not easier.

dlloyd10 likes this
United States

The 3DS VC allows you to play with a joystick, but the dpad is way more responsive than the joystick.

dlloyd10 likes this

I think I'll at least try it if I ever run this game because nobody has used sticks as a controller (don't know if I will run), older fighting games at a high level had precise execution frequently all game, I already think mechanical keyboard is advantage over nes pad (would be better if everyone had to use same controllers but I realize that's not how most speedrun communities are), since there's no rules except no cheating, might as well try.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
dlloyd10 likes this

Idk if you only talk about NES Advantage or Joysticks in general, but I play with a bootleg Switch Pro-con and I use the joystick. I honestly think joystick is better than d-pad. And yes, I can do frame perfect tricks and stuff. It's not about the controller, it's about the player

dlloyd10 likes this

I mean more like arcade joystick, like street fighter, not analog joystick on gamepad, it might suck or might be fun, have to try to know I think.

dlloyd10 likes this

I use NintendoSpy to capture my inputs and its XML archive doesn't recognize my d-pad as d-pad but as a stick instead. Physically my controller has a d-pad but the NintendoSpy reads it as a stick so if you want to play with a stick it should be possible but your inputs won't be as accurate as d-pad since the game is supposed to be played with d-pad.

I've made this improvised tutorial and maybe it can help you because I show the XML archives a little bit, the input display part is near the 9:00 minute mark:


2a03man and dlloyd10 like this
Utah, USA

This thread honestly is really interesting to me. Speedrunning SMB1 with Joystick/Dance Pad!? This sounds interesting.


lmao now I want to run with my GH guitar. I might try to get a good time on a category I've never ran just for the lolz

dlloyd10 likes this
New York, USA

i have gotten 1-1 fpg 1-2g 4-1 fpg 4-2 blazit 8-2 tas framrule from blant 8-3 fpg and a fast 8-1 8-4 with a ps4 controller with a joystick. So like its a preference thing.

Miniland and dlloyd10 like this
Saskatchewan, Canada

I play on gamecube controller. Use what's comfortable to you.

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