Asset Glitch glitch hunt thread
9 years ago

You can get rid of a 2-star wanted level too using a clothing glitch (replay a scene where Tommy jumps into a clothing pickup). This might be useful for cherry poppers. :P

You should be careful when using this in a vehicle, since you can't brake or speedup anymore (until re-entering the vehicle or shooting).

Bollard likes this

I just tried to load 2 different missions at the same time (Check out at the check in and Cop Land) and it resulted in a game crash. It might have been because I made it so Lance from Cop Land would have been in the Check out cutscene.

Video of using the clothes glitch for Cherry Poppers. You can still drive forward with shift and backwards with space bar.

This gets rid of most of the bullshit that can be thrown at you during Cherry Poppers, as you can't get arrested. Also speeds it up, because you don't have to care about the 20s timer for wanted stars to vanish.

Arturrr, Bollard and 5 others like this

Dunno if you mind me asking, but which button imputs do you do to make a replay for the Asset/Clothing glitch, pressing F2-F3-F3 sometimes worked, but other times, pressing F3 would result in loading a replay from about 20 seconds before doing this.

Also, great work on making Cherry Poppers less RNG-heavy, now it's SSA left to do most of it.

Has anyone tried to use cop bribes instead of clothing for this glitch?

Menno888: Before creating a replay for the clothes glitch, you clear the previous replay with F2-F3-F3 while standing where the marker is. Then you wait a second, and press F2 to save a replay that starts from the moment you cleared the previous one. After this F3 should always load the replay where you get the clothes.

At least for me, F2 before clearing the old replay isn't necessary, but before you have the clothes glitch replay saved, it's good to do it to make sure that you load a replay from the run you're actually doing (so it isn't NG+), and that you don't get a loading screen.

E: Kavu_0, good suggestion, hadn't thought of cop bribes. Just tested it and sadly it didn't work.


Tried to use remote rampage glitch to dupe KYFC, but what ever stage of KYFC I tried the game crashed.

One interesting thing that did happen was that I let the timer tick down during the cutscene, and it restarted the cutscene. This didn't result in a mission dupe though.

The 'you took 15years away from me...' cutscene puts you in the marker, which results in a game crash so you can't even trigger the credits by trying to dupe this.

I did get a few glitched cutscenes though (Lance and Ken models sped-up)

No duped credits :(

Clothes Replay Glitch applied for Phnom Penh:

There's another variation of this that makes Lance fly extremely poorly (usually resulting in crashing into buildings and whatnot), however, this version seems consistent, at least if you trigger the replay after the guys on the first roof spawn.

The same glitch works with Supply & Demand, and looks just as funny, but doesn't save any time there.

MuXu96 likes this

This is my contribution to Vice City glitch hunt. Using the clothes glitch prevent your vehicule to explode, this might be useful to save the vcn maverick during the "linear part" or the infernus during Bar Brawl + PP (using the clothes from 'The Party') in the video I had to use replay twice because the heli was still taking damage from the wall after the first replay.

Pac likes this
Bavaria, Germany

I made this over a year ago, but for everyone who isn't sure how the controls change when using the clothes replay glitch (basically a variant on the flintstone glitch), this is it:

similar to the cheat variant I posted here/in IRC before, you can warp to save icons with this method. Unfortunately, you can't enter cars, shoot or take missions as far as I know (maybe there's a method, didn't check yet)


Ractrot, is the cop running around the CP van a result of the clothes glitch? AKA do you become immune to getting arrested? If so, it seems to make sense to get to a narrow road ASAP where you can get more deals, and only use the clothes glitch to avoid 3 star wanted levels, since then cops start ramming you with their cars. EDIT: I tried turning right at the police station, but there are too many gang spawns there. It still seems to make sense to make a beeline for the docks though, that wide main streets seems really slow for getting deals. EDIT2: ah, cops ram you with 2 stars already. Still, this will save a ton of time on CP. Also, when would be a good time to pick up the clothes? From what I see, the only time you're near the Laundromat is going from SSA to Printworks.

Good time to pick up clothes:

'Street' after Rub Out 'Mr. Vercetti' after Pole Position 'Soiree' during Treacherous Swine 'Soiree' (Saving a replay going through the marker)¤ 'Causal' during Shakedown¤

¤=Not sure of

I suck at finding strats, but i'm gonna give this a shot.

I can only see this being useful at Boatyard (Since you don't have to glitch the purchase) and safehouses.

E: I Press F3 and then when I change clothes I hold TAB. Might be done differently but that's just me.

Just for the record, the clothing replay is made right after SSA, when you don't need the asset buying glitch any more, right? That seems like the only plausible time to do it, since you need to create custom replays for the asset buying glitch if you want to do it the fast and safe way (i.e., not my risky method)


But can't you store the clothing replay as an F3. and buy assets with F1 replays? You get to an asset, clear the "cached" replay with F3 (just a quick press, doesn't change clothes), walk over the buying point, bring up the F1 replay and buy it. You should have the thing bought, and still have the clothes replay as an F3

The clothing replay can be done anytime, to do the glitch purchase with the Clothing Replay, you just hit F3, let it play out, hit F1 (wait a sec) and then hold TAB. It's actually way easier and consistent than the safe way.

E: Btw, I'm actually buying Printworks in the video, not doing the asset buying glitch.


Wow this is pretty crazy.. can't even keep up trying the new glitches :D

I kinda think it even could save some time if you do a different route for the non linear part.. Like driving with the CP van to a different asset while doing deals because you don't need to be at the pay'n'spray anymore.. ? Maybe I'll try this later :)

Not the best glitch showcased but it could save a few frames I think? Not sure where it would be useful, maybe after taxi 3, jump out at boatyard, stand up? Must be faster than breaking right?


Muxu: other places have gang member spawns, and they attack you.

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