Strange 8-2 Framerule
4 years ago
California, USA

8-2 plant despawn + good bullet maybe? I think I've heard of a person who discovered this kind of framerule and if I stumbled across that exact one, that's pretty cool. Anyways, I just wanted to post this because I was curious and thought it looked interesting.

Lul_ecks_dee, KilleDragon and 2 others like this
Oklahoma, USA

This was after a death - which changes things, also you hit the Koopa in the opening stairs, with what looked like a small slowdown

But yeah odd to have the plant despawned.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
KilleDragon likes this
United States

I know that FR 610 despawns the piranha plant if you hold R+B through the whole level and don't hit any enemies. I wonder if this could be that framerule? Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be possible to get a bullet shot on that framerule that's good enough to save the TAS framerule :(

KilleDragon likes this

WUT ok so Wait where was the reaction and why was it delayed? ok so WUT no If we mathematically calculate, you ideally would be on framerule 539 if you played perfecto but you lost 3 framerules entering 8-2, so you were on framerule 542 ok now, replicating the exact mistake you made to die, we reenter 8-2 with 1 less life, and on framerule 610

Then I played through and wat do you know, the plant is despawned i was kinda thinking it would be a different framerule but it's 610 @Darpey So, dying does not affect the same framerule doing different things, 610 without dying still produces gone boi of the plant boi

I remember Maru saying that any framerule can get a perfect bullet shot, it's just that some framerules are harder than others to make that happen

KilleDragon and Darpey like this
California, USA

I didn't slow down at all, I just hit the koopa full speed. Well, except for the plant jump, where I expected the plant to be there

KilleDragon likes this
Oklahoma, USA

Aah I figured since you hit that front stairs Koopa it means you hesitated... I didn't even know that was possible. Thought the only full speed route through was the normal one. Interesting... It looks kinda cool

Edited by the author 4 years ago
KilleDragon likes this
United States

I'm sure it's possible to get a perfect shot on FR 610. What I meant was that I don't think it's possible to get that and still have the plant despawn.

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