30 FOV in Reignex streams
3 years ago

I'm wondering why Reignex goes to 30 FOV sometimes in his streams while searching for a bastion, and maybe a fortress (I don't remember), then he somehow finds it after doing that...

Does anyone know why he does this/how he finds out where a bastion is from this?

because it's essentially zooming in but legal.

I get that it's zooming, but like 12 minutes ago about, I saw him do it, look into a wall, and know there was something there... I don't think zooming would help with that, it literally just makes the texture bigger

Washington, USA

e strats

Washington, USA

when the fov is lower the entity value will be lower so its easier to find the big spikes in entities resulting in a bastion or fortress

ohhh so basically he's searching for high entity values which would happen in a structure, that's actually really cool.


watch these 3 videos by k4yfour, it should explain everything


It’s called microlensing. Basically by looking at a certain angle with a narrow fov and noticing an entity spike, you can tell that there’s likely a structure (usually a bastion) there, and you can also narrow down the angle to a more precise range.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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