8-3 Hammer Bros
6 years ago
New York, USA

Is there anything that determines where the hammer bros will be in 8-3? Is it maybe the time u get 8-2? If so, what time determines which location for the hammer bros? If not, then is it something else?

West Virginia, USA

I think it has to do with the frame that you're on.


The frame rule you are on determines what the hammer bros will do

United States

You can check darbian's guide which is 2 hours but skip to the Frame Rules and 8-3 part. It has to completely do with frame rules. Whichever set of 21 frames you exit 8-2 will determine 8-3 Hammer Bros. which tick me off.

It has to do with what frame your on, but since you should be playing the level at the same speed every time then only frame rules should make the difference. The other variable is if you step on any guys, that also affects their pattern.

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5 months ago