3 years ago
European Union

@LukeSaward everyone knows that there are only boys on the internet.

Aberdeen, Scotland

idk if you're being sexist, transphobic or what, Mango Man, but quit it.

Discrimination of any kind is not permitted on this site.

Basque Country

omg why we convert a stupid thread in that discussion go play some minecraft or doodle champion island game and stop arguing about internet lmao

Aberdeen, Scotland

We could, but idk what games are good nowadays

Basque Country

minecraft and doodle champion island game xd

South Carolina, USA

@LukeSaward oh nonono lol. I didn't mean it like that. Once they got mad at someone for calling them a he, and I told them they're pronouns were wrong, and they got mad at me. I was just clarifying that I was using their correct pronouns.

European Union

[QUOTE=LukeSaward] idk if you're being sexist, transphobic or what, Mango Man, but quit it.

Discrimination of any kind is not permitted on this site. [/QUOTE] You have been brainwashed by the state, but don't worry, I am here to help. I speak only the truth.

Just think about it:

Anime boy pfp => Always a guy Anime girl pfp => Always a guy Non-anime pfp => Always a guy

Only guys exist on the internet and my scientific investigation concluded that. I am deeply offended that you would dare call me transphobic for I am simply a gamer.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Owfi likes this

I'm closing this thread to prevent the discussion to go out of hand.

A very important reminder that being offensive and discriminatory against other users is NOT allowed on SRC and if this happens to you, then you should contact a SRC admin to be sure that SRC handles your case. (Yes, you can get banned for doing this, so think twice or even more before sending hate speech on the forums)

(Java Edition moderators aren't able to moderate the forum daily at all, we'll probably make this much more clear soon... anyway just be sure to contact SRC Admins if you want your case to be considered in the meanwhile...)

Edited by the author 3 years ago