having trouble getting past 8-1
3 years ago
United States

I'm having trouble getting past 8-1 in super mario bros. Any strategies for me?

KilleDragon likes this

What time are you aiming for? Any sections specifically causing you trouble?

arthrogamer likes this

Just win 4Head

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Jeoslapha, Nolmy and 2 others like this
New Hampshire, USA

If you're new to running the game then I'd highly recommend not going for the pipe jumps. Since that's the hardest part of 8-1. Don't try to go all out like WR, just play cool. It's perfectly normal to go slow in any of the levels for a first PB. If you already have runs of it though then try to play it slightly faster in attempts over your PB. That's my personal suggestion.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
kcaj, Yoyofruits, and arthrogamer like this
United States

i want to try to get a time under 10 mins

United States

keep in mind im using a emulator

New Hampshire, USA

From what I know Emulator isn't slower than a NTSC NES. I'd suggest watching runs around the time of your goal (for instance watch a run that has a time of around 9:00 since your goal is under 10:00), and see how they play 8-1.

arthrogamer likes this
Michigan, USA

Kosmic has some good tutorials on how to get a sub 5 speedrun. He goes through every strategy and gives ideas of how to sometimes "play it safe." I suggest watching this

Scrimsion and arthrogamer like this
Texas, USA

If you are going for a speedrun try playing 4-1 to get used to pipe jumps so they can seem easier in 8-1

arthrogamer likes this
United States

thanks for the video

United States

If you just want sub-10 (or even sub-6 or sub-5:30 or sub-5:10 or even sub-5:05), then consider grabbing a fire flower so that you can kill all of the enemies in your way and not have to do pipe jumps.

Mars02 likes this
United States

That's a good idea, thanks.

Texas, USA

since you said sub 10 you could try playing it safe and go down the pipe in the level or do periwinkle's idea

arthrogamer likes this
Ohio, USA

Like periwinkle said, I would highly suggest doing your runs with a fire flower. It makes world 8 much easier and safer as you can take a hit and not die. 8-3 especially is made easier as you can just shoot the bros out of the way.

Here is an example way you can beat 8-1 safely as small mario And then I guess if you have fire flower you can do this stuff I could probably find ways to make it even easier if I spent more time

Jeoslapha and arthrogamer like this
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  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
5 months ago