How is game time measured?
3 years ago
South Carolina, USA

So there is a WR run that took about 17 minutes in real time and only 2 minutes game time. How is that measured? I am pretty sure that it's 2 minutes in the game, and 17 minutes combined doing everything else.

British Columbia, Canada

game time is only time spent in the actual game. any time you're paused or in the main menu or the game is not launched at all like in those glitched runs, game time is not counting up

South Carolina, USA

Thank you blazer!

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StandardSettings & AntiResourceReload

Updated Legal Mods:

• AntiResourceReload 4.0.2 for 1.14-1.15.2 is now allowed, which fixes a crash when loading the mod outside of a development environment.

• StandardSettings 1.2.3 for 1.14-1.19.2 is now allowed. This update adds an f3PauseOnWorldLoad option that, when enabled and pauseO

2 months ago