8 years ago
United States

It would be slower for any% SSG, SS, and RS. RSG has Coop runs but we don't have a leaderboard. Here is the WR:


RSG is the only co-op any% that would be interesting

but I agree that maybe it should be added as a legit speedrun category on here, giving good teamwork a heads up.

just me?

just me...

Portland, OR, USA

I'm pretty sure there was like a 15ish minute RSG co-op run.

Maybe I'm just off a digit though.

United States

Milk I'm pretty sure taro and friends never did a 15, I know they did a 21 at one point

Overijssel, Netherlands

you cant skip only at time with fights some one can run already to next place so the other dont have to do that


About this, I would consider setting it up similar to how I was told the Japanese runners have it. Multiple RSG co-op categories, for example: 2-5 players 6-10 players 11-20 players more than 20 players

We'd have to discuss how many would it be good and where to draw the line for the next category in each case. Once we sort that out we would set the boards up.


jalp100 likes this
United States

You could add it as RSG Co-op, then make the players a sub category

jalp100 likes this

Yeah but still, we need to decide the ranges for each.

jalp100 likes this
United States

I think the four (2-5,6-10,11-20,20+) are good Categories


The category has been officially added. It will be under misc. for now, since it has only one run. If it takes off it may come out of misc. eventually.

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