4-2 Wrong Warp
6 years ago
Nebraska, USA

How much real time do you save vs the regular way? (the cut scene)

Nebraska, USA

Thank you sir.

Ontario, Canada

Well this is the sort of question like:how much time does 8-4 WJ save? There isn't a definitve answer, like if you screw up a bit it might only save 3 seconds.

He's probably just looking for a general idea, but yes, the amount of time you save decreases if you don't do it as optimally. Like when I asked how much time you lose if you do a slow jump at the very very beginning of 8-4. I wasn't looking for a definitive answer, I just wanted a general idea (it's around 2 framerules BTW).

Nebraska, USA

Thanks Lul_ecks_dee. KOJB you have to reply on everything don't ya.

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