Furthest spawn from 0,0?
2 years ago
Ohio, USA

As many of you may know the bedrock edition would record uses a strat where they reset until they get a seed that spawned them very far from 0,0 (as bedrock has different spawning rules it is possible to spawn over 1000 blocks away). That made me curious of the furthest spawn from 0,0 in Java edition. I recently had a spawn of -315, 230 (-4897817007587574083 1.16.1) which is the furthest I've ever seen and I tried searching online but with no luck. Does anyone know what the furthest known spawn is on Java?

Gaming_64 likes this
South Korea

in bedrock strongholds can generate at 0, 0 so it doesn’t matter

someone could write a script or something

South Carolina, USA

Leafpool, TWT explains it in the wr analysis video.

New Zealand

java furhtest spawns to MY KNOWLEGE are 300, 300

Texas, USA

in Java beta you can spawn up to 500 blocks away

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Updated Legal Mods:

• AntiResourceReload 4.0.2 for 1.14-1.15.2 is now allowed, which fixes a crash when loading the mod outside of a development environment.

• StandardSettings 1.2.3 for 1.14-1.19.2 is now allowed. This update adds an f3PauseOnWorldLoad option that, when enabled and pauseO

2 months ago