6 years ago

Good for people that struggle with the elevator bump ^^

xeroxfiend likes this
Texas, USA

Dang it was that easy this whole time.

xeroxfiend likes this
Ontario, Canada

edit: if you do slow bumps you can lose the FR.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
eddiecatgaming likes this
Ontario, Canada

Honestly surprised no one has thought of this before.

Oklahoma, USA

It's possible to get a 375, but you'll have a smaller window, since the coinblock is about twice as vertically large as the elevator - so even though you will probably get the same x manipulation, with the coinblock you'll take up more frames to get to the top of the coinblock until you can start moving right again, and with the elevator you'll consume less frames - still, if it's easier for you, then go for it.

The elevator is hard to LEARN, but once you get it into muscle memory, it's a pretty consistent trick.

But that way is definitely better than other routes - like the 373 route

or the 374 route

but the elevator bump is still preferable, in terms of raw speed and # of frames that you can "lose" to still get the FR

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

I imagine since the second block takes quite some time, that this loses the framerule. I've and several 375 wrong warps lose the framerule, so no doubt that this can lose 0.35 seconds.


true its obviously a smaller window but it's easier for me :D


"Honestly surprised no one has thought of this before."

Plenty of people have thought of it. I never made use of it, because you need to jump the exact moment you are back to speed after the 2nd bump and it's imho harder than the elevator bump.

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