7 years ago
Friesland, Netherlands

Alright, so the term ACE has spread confusion, mostly among other speedrunners/TASers, leaving them actually disappointed that no ACE happened in the run. So I'm opening a poll. Link here: http://www.speedrun.com/gtavc/thread/q1cl1/1#xxt12 . This thread is for discussion to keep it away from votes. Here are the suggestions, with explanations:

SSU (Script Stack Underflow) A catch all term that names the glitch by its root. This is exactly what happens with the glitch. Counterarguments: It is a technical term and might scare people away from learning the game. (How? Why? Do they really care if they are?)

SCS (Store Clerk Skip) (or a variant) While the store clerk waiting stuff isn't the actual glitch itself, it merely affects it, and can be bypassed by using chopper checkpoint instead. It is the most recognizable thing about it. I suggest clarifying in the leaderboard rules that the CC method of doing it would also be disallowed, if this wins.

SPV (Safehouse Purchase + Vigilante) (or a variant) The actual glitch involves starting Vigilante while buying a safehouse, so to my understanding this also names the glitch by its roots.

Keep calling it ACE (Arbitrary Code Execution) Keep it as is, and keep confusing all the people with the inaccurate naming.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
United States

Just going to reiterate my thoughts from the Discord discussion earlier here.

The category name needs to be as specific as possible. The reason for this is that the category aims to take away from the current Any% route. Names that include the phrases "arbitrary, major glitch, warp, etc" can all be debated because there are other strats which are currently accepted in no ACE that are used that could potentially fall into those same terms.

Since this is the case, the category name needs to be as descriptive as possible to pinpoint the exact trick or strat that is being removed from Any%. For this, I strongly encourage the term SSU to be used. Now, from my understanding, the only reason this name was not adopted was due to potential viewers or new runners being intimidated by technical jargon and its difficulty to explain.

Through this, I find both SSU and SCS to be the most accurate and appeasing names respectively. SSU is the most definitively correct but SCS is probably viable as well, so long as it does not include the term "warp."

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Derpeth likes this
Massachusetts, USA

I like SSU the most. It's definitely the most futureproof in case other methods besides the store clerk (and chopper checkpoint) crop up, and it's dead accurate as far as I know. Also, I am 99.9% sure that the name won't scare people off because the category 'scares' people as it is, even myself. I am 100% for naming it SSU.

Gaël, Derpeth, and Earleys like this

I'm going to vote for SSU because it fits the most, however if anyone in the future who wants to run the game is reading or just people who are kinda like "well i don't know". Don't let the name of a category turn you away from the game if you're interested in running it. If it does turn you away, it means you're not that interested in running or speedrunning in general, at the end of the day, it's just pressing buttons.

S. and Derpeth like this

I don't understand why the name SSU would turn off potential new runners but ACE would not.

Massachusetts, USA


in reference to Frew and his GDQ run.

Friesland, Netherlands

"Wouldn't it be easier to just make a straw poll?"

Straw polls are anonymous and could be shat up easily.

=========== Current votes: A 1 B 2 D 8 AB 2 ABD 1 AD 1 DE 1

Edited by the author 7 years ago
KZ_FREW likes this
United States

Yeah, this the worst possible time for dissonance to arise again.

I've posted this in the other thread, but here's my viewpoint: I can't explain "stack script underflow." I don't know what that means and I shouldn't have to research software engineering concepts to be able to explain it. All I can say is "no SSU bans the warp to the end of the game" but that doesn't explain "SSU" itself, just the category's purpose for existing.

So, what's the solution? Justifying a buzzword / ignoramus approach to give it another acronym that doesn't fit the exact definition (ACE)? I accept that is an incorrect solution.

"No Clerk Skip" is the best option, hands down. It's accessible, and bans the warp. Yeah, I know, we can do this glitch with chopper checkpoint, but since the setup to warp to KYFC using that method is 15 hours... I don't think it's relevant. If someone wants to do it, fine. Let them sit on the leaderboard with a 15h time. Mhmd_FVC is on Ingame 100% NG+ with a 6 hour time, so what's the difference?

[quote=anti]it seems to be the opposite and people are turned off by ACE because the name doesn't suit[/quote]

Not the case, in my mind. Most people seem comfortable with using "ACE" as a way to distinguish the two any% categories. Those with technical knowledge are not comfortable with using the term (rightfully so), but I don't think it's presently a barrier to entry.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
39daph likes this
Friesland, Netherlands

Calling it "ACE" doesn't make it any easier to explain, since it's still black magic technical wizardry going on in the background that a non-technical person will not be able to explain. In fact, it'll make it more difficult to explain because you have to explain what it isn't, then explain why it is called that when it isn't.

Derpeth likes this
United States

I agree. I was wrong to advocate for ACE.

S. likes this

Funnily, it looks like comment about worst time for this dissonance is contradicting the reason of this discussion, because it was started by a GDQ TASer who was curious what kind of ACE Vice City has, probably seeing "no ACE" in schedule - and was disappointed to see none in the run itself.

Derpeth likes this
Massachusetts, USA

tbh I just submitted my regular 100% time to in-game 100% half because of resentment of it being there, and half for memes.

Anyway, I think most people would be satisfied with the answer of "no SSU bans the warp to the end of the game". If they wanna know more then they can get linked Nick's description of the glitch on Reddit, and then say that "this category is any% without that". Kinda like what we're doing now, isn't it?

S. likes this
Friesland, Netherlands

Can we please put that comment somewhere that isn't reddit. Like in the guides section on SRR or something?

Patrick_, PowerSlaveAlfons and 2 others like this
United States

I still think "No Clerk Skip" is functionally better as a category name. If I'm in the minority on that, I'll accept whatever the community decides.

Massachusetts, USA

It works for now, but as I said above it's prone to someone finding another method to do the same glitch (that doesn't take a billion years of waiting to do). Would work as a colloquial name but not as a name for the leaderboards imo

S. and Derpeth like this
Hampshire, England

"SSU (Clerk Skip)"

Change (or remove) the brackets if another method is found.

Makes it easy to explain for non technical people (there is a skip that uses the clerk...) while still being technically correct and future proof? Only downside is having a bracket/subtitle for a category, and it's longer (no where near a mouth full imo)


Edited by the author 7 years ago
SilenceErupts, S., and Derpeth like this
Friesland, Netherlands

"Dead" is an even less future proof term.

I honestly like Josh's idea, although I would still vote for just putting the clerk skip information in the description

Derpeth likes this

"SPV (Safehouse Purchase + Vigilante) (or a variant)" This name idea died recently when we found that dying during any property buying mission causes SSU.

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