why cant there be a 100% category???
6 years ago
United States


Alberta, Canada

All achievements/All advancements is the 100% equivalent, there is no real 100% in this game.


Maybe you need to collect 64 chests of items?xddd

Pays de la Loire, France

maybe 100% can be all the IL in one run ?

Iowa, USA

But then that's not really even 100%. Actually doing 100% would be something like obtaining every item in the game, getting All Advancements, and maybe some other things that the mods would decide like raiding every structure or something. The thing is, there's no real way to even decide what you'd include either, which is why 100% doesn't work for this game. If you want a long speed run to pick up for this game, learn the route for All Advancements, or better yet, do it on a Random Seed. That'll get ya your long speedrun

Berlin, Germany

I tried for fun any obtainable items runs, was fun tbh

Franche-Comté, France

100% is a category created when there is a percentage completion shown in the options, or somewhere in a game. In Minecraft, there are no percentage completion. Not even in the statistics.

Simple as that !

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