If someone managed to roll the SSG 12 eye seed, will it be verified?
2 years ago

Am just curious

atbili, Oogim, and Fireheart3 like this
Basque Country

yea, if you played a random seed and randomly it pops up, allowed tho thats a chance of 1 in trillions of years lol

Kalaphant, NotJeremy and 3 others like this

It would be very sus, but if someone rolled it and was able to prove to the moderators that they rolled it, then yeah I guess it would be verified.

Let's hope it never happens though, because it would essentially kill the category

Kalaphant, AbbyAsha and 4 others like this
United States

If I ever rolled it I wouldn’t submit it since it would ruin the category. People would be resetting for a one in a trillion chance and it would be stupid

Kalaphant and AbbyAsha like this

You cant roll the seed, theres only some seeds that can be rolled

Iskatel_chegoto, Roctendo and 13 others like this

I mean, it wouldn’t really matter, unless you mean they rolled one or a few exact SSG seeds and recognized it. If someone rolls a 12 eye and doesn’t realize it’s a 12 eye seed, it won’t be any faster than a 1 eye seed. (I guess it would be however long it takes to put 12 eyes in the portal faster.)

Kalaphant likes this

Im pretty sure someone did find a 12 eye portal seed a few years ago

Washington, USA

Well it's literally impossible to roll it randomly, not all seeds are randomly generatable

Aethona, Oscar31 and 2 others like this
Washington, USA

@Cheezlord the most eyes that has been found randomly was an 8 eye or 9 eye found by tarokitchen

Kalaphant likes this

if they managed to prove it to the moderators that its legit then yes it would be verified although the chances are 1 in a trillion

Kalaphant and AbbyAsha like this
New York, USA

doesn’t matter if it’s a 12 eye, you wouldn’t know it was one unless you scouted the seed prior to the run

so you’d just play it like a regular seed, getting the blaze powder and pearls, and when you got to the stronghold, you’d tweet about being the first person to find a 12 eye in rsg and that’s pretty much it omegalul

Kalaphant likes this

No, because that's not possible.

Oscar31 and leto_saa like this

@Duey it is possible there's just a 1 in a trillion chance that it could happen or due to a end portal chunk glitch from world generation

AbbyAsha likes this
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

@Eimerplayz127 The end portal chunk glitch happens because of said 12 eye.


@Eimerplayz127 The question was about if someone rolled the SSG twelve-eye seed, which is not possible. The SSG seed cannot be randomly generated.

United States

can you guys shut it about "oHh bUt yOu cAnT rOlL tHe 12 eYE sEeD iN rSg" thats not what he means

Yellowfridge42 likes this
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago


United States

I don't think so because for rsg you need to have no prior knowledge of the seed and id someone who knew what the ssg seed was would have prior knowledge about the seed

AbbyAsha and leto_saa like this
Basque Country

random seed is when you generated completly randomly the seed, set seed is when you writte the seed in the bar to get the exact seed you are playing, by general rules is such an extremely unexpected situation that the mods team isnt realy thinking about what they would do lol; but if a run suddenly happends in that conditions under all the verification, it tecnicaly would be completly legal (unless they went into investigation of a posible cheat which kinda sure would happend lol)

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Kalaphant likes this

even if you did roll it, it isnt rsg since you have prior knowledge about the seed

leto_saa likes this
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