Without chests and villagers%
8 years ago

That could be a very good category :)


For level category too ! Almost all level category route use villagers or chest


This is a bad category. The main issue would be getting the eyes of ender because endermen spawning is HIGHLY rng dependant. the entire run would depend on getting very lucky with, not only endermen spawns, but endermen droping their ender pearls. It could take 1 night, it might take 5, depending on how lucky the person is. I wouldn't want to run that category. It's not much different that glitchless random seed anyway. I could potentially see this as a minor category, but I personally don't think this is a good idea.


That's not false... But i slill think it's a good idea for level leaderboard ;)


We have done stuff like that for level leaderboards with diamonds and emeralds, which is why "Obtain Diamond/Emerald" and "Mine Diamond/Emerald" are separate. When the former became just "who can spawn next to a chest" then we created the latter, which did not allow the use of structures, but, this being speedrunning, it also got broken. Categories like golden apple, Cake, and Enter Nether may also benefit from such kind of category, but I am not sure how many people would actually run it, so that it is worth it to make them.


to be fair, I am the only wither runner out there because people dont like rng in minecraft

edit: BUT the category existed before I started running it, so why not? I would enjoy these categories

Edited by the author 8 years ago

I run All Wools Glitchless Random seed Villageless and, that's a lot of rng but i really like that ! This is very better than go to a village and trade all woold with a villager !