No Fortress where there should be one, please help
1 year ago

Category: 1.16.1 RSG After using the piedar to find a mob spawner and leaving the bastion I run to the exact chunk coordinates. Since I started running ~1 month ago it has happened 4-5 times that when I arrive at the exact chunk coordinates where the fortress (mob spawner on piedar) should be there is no fortress in sight (also no treasure bastion). Is this a known bug or am I doing anything wrong? If needed I can provide more details (or video clip of the most recent time it happened).

Chicago, IL, USA

@SlinShady Sometimes the mob spawner can be diagonal from when you originally piedar. So I would recommend if you don’t see a fort or treasure then redo the piedar. Hope this answers your question

Edited by the author 1 year ago

@Olock5 thanks for the answer. I didn't know the diagonals are relevant too but it only makes sense :)