Category Extensions
4 years ago
Massachusetts, USA

I just have a proposed suggestion. Can we link the category extensions page from the main page? I just feel like this would make a lot of sense. I'm not sure the best way to do this, but it seems strange this isn't the case.

Colorado, USA

There's a CE link on the left hand side. Is that what you mean?

KilleDragon likes this

you should probably clarify that more @AndrewG

KilleDragon likes this

Yeah it's right under the 'leaderboard' on the left side, I think that's a pretty reasonable spot to have it.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
KilleDragon likes this
Massachusetts, USA

Woa, I'm stupid. OK.

KilleDragon likes this
United States

Nah dw Andrew i miss it a good amount of the time lol

KilleDragon likes this
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Requirements for High-Level Any% Runs

Any% (NTSC) runs below 4:57.000 must now fulfill additional requirements in order to be verified.

  • The run's full session must be included in the submission description.
  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
9 months ago