How do you get faster at crafting and mechanics?
3 years ago

I am pretty skilled knowledge wise at speedrunning and have been doing it for a while and ive been practicing FSG, but each time i get a super good seed, one that could probably sub-10, I end up getting really bad times because I spend too long inventory managing and crafting. How can I improve at those?


Practice. And for inventory managament try sorting the most important stuff while doing stuff like killing blazes or waiding for trades

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It’s entirely just practice, over and over again. Also, if you aren’t already, do everything with hotkeys, it’s much faster.

United States

I also spent too much time managing my inventory. I stopped trying to organize my inventory as much and started only focusing on organizing my hotbar. The only 2 times I really mess with my inventory is when I'm doing gold trades or when I need room in my inventory to create beds for the ender dragon. But like the other people said, it's just doing it over and over again.

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