Couriway's 14:36
3 years ago
United Kingdom

imagine thinking Couriway had any skill that run.

He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

dumb reply. Couriway's a skilled runner. he showed skill in that run. world records take skill and luck, not just one or the other.

Jaqq, Amaz and 5 others like this

also it takes perseverance going through hours of worlds and potential wrs

RowdyCat likes this
California, USA

uh...I never said he had no skill

Aberdeen, Scotland

Shmalex was talking to rewan afaik

Shmalex likes this
United Kingdom

@Shmalex skilled runner sure in that run, not much.

New Zealand

I'd like to see you do any better

Arizona, USA

It takes a lot of skill to execute luck. If I tried to run that seed, there is no way it would be a sub 20. It might not look like much, but that was very good execution.

Aberdeen, Scotland

Rewan's profile: "This user has not submitted any runs... yet."

Rewan, do a run before posting a reply about luck, you haven't even ran the game.

Amaz, xoqito and 6 others like this
Arizona, USA

Yeah I noticed that too, not saying that I have submitted a run, but I've been practicing for a while.


why you not streaming on twitch Sadge ...... gg and congrats on the record though. Seems like if you get the 1.14 wr your luck translates to 1.16. :)

Hello, who can tell if the speedrun passed the test ?

United Kingdom

@LukeSaward imagine checking my profile lmao I have a run but it hasn't been verified yet calm down, it was still mostly luck COMPARED to the other top 10 I just judge, I didn't say I was better. Also @solnishko228 the run hasn't been verified yet it'll come in the leaderboard in 2-3 weeks.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Arizona, USA

@rewan, I highly disagree with your assessment. Even though there's a lot of luck involved (as with literally every top 10 run in history), Bastion strats is objectively more skill-based and less luck-based than the regular strat, where in order to get WR, all you can do is hope to spawn inside a fortress and get all the pearls within the first 10 gold. This run on the other hand required a lot more knowledge about the game, including optimal ways to tackle each bastion type, approximating the closest neighboring structure region based on coordinates, having the intuition of where to place the portal for fast travel, etc. All this in addition to the fact that you are just forced to traverse several more blocks in the Nether than the regular strat, during which you make critical decisions like how many excess pearls you can leave the Bastion with, how frequently you can pearl-spam to get to tricky places before running out of pearls, and finally getting to a blaze spawner 5 minutes later than previous WR and having to kill stray blazes during spawner downtimes while evading Wither Skele's, all within the tight TIGHT timespan of 15 minutes.

I agree that Couriway made several mistakes during the run (both in execution and knowledge) that could've saved at least 2 more minutes, like pushing into the negative-negative for a lava pool instead of looking around at flat open areas, or throwing all the gold to a small group of Piglins instead of spreading it around efficiently, etc., but saying that the run required no skills whatsoever and was 100% luck is just short-sighted and very disrespectful to the runner. Even if he did take an objectively inconsistent route like most of the other runs in this category, you'd still need a ton of skill to convert that luck into a WR.

Amaz, RowdyCat and 5 others like this
Aberdeen, Scotland

@rewan You commented on Couriway's luck in that run, not their luck compared to top 10. I do not understand how an error so major slipped by in your reply.

United Kingdom

@LukeSaward not saying my previous reply was about that i was just mentioning it then.

United Kingdom

@LSD_Gaga true and real, I agree he does have a lot of knowledge in Minecraft that I didn't know and i agree there was a lot of quick thinking, I was wrong I totally agree 100 percent I was thinking mostly of the negatives of his run he probably could've gotten sub 10 without some of the sillier mistakes.

Nottinghamshire, England

Imo i am not sure cos there are several moments like the lava pool,the fortress pearl,commentating over so you cant hear the game amongst a few other things which are sus and with what we know we cant make a definitive answer unless someone can do some serious deep level analysing to an extent that i probably cant say with just words because if he did splice or cheat this ,which i am not saying he did, then he did it in a way to make even most high level players think it is a legit run and that the inconsistencies were nothing much but until we know more and hage a bigger picture,we cannot be at all fully certain


@MODS lock this thread... forums are supposed to be building a community... not tearing each other down.

Nottinghamshire, England

@Pooply not all forums are going to be like that some like these forums are generally and originally used to ask and tell people about stuff like for example to try and figure out if a speedrun is faked or real

Not everything you expect and want will come to you in life and i know it personally not that it has anything to do with anything

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