We need a death category!!
3 years ago
United States

If you watched WadZee's video on speedruns he does a 'Not living as fast as you can', I think that this would be great, especially for new speedrunners that want to run, but don't want to put an hour into a few runs. So mods if you're reading this, please consider adding a death run, Thanks!

dlloyd10 likes this
Utah, USA

I definetly agree. This could be fun.

StoneAge_Games likes this

No we will not add this -- this has been discussed 1000 times -- please don't ask -_-

RowdyCat, xoqito, and Antoine like this
Utah, USA

You ain't a mod my dude.

French Southern Territories

They have said no at least 10 times


reasons not to add it:

  1. its a more meme category than obtain diamond ssg
Maryland, USA

How about this...whenever there’s a new category asking for death%, the mods lock it ASAP.

RowdyCat, Ivory and 4 others like this

Automatically delete every thread mentionning "category" and "death" OMEGALUL

RowdyCat, Hanabi and 6 others like this

or just death


Why don't you just download Dumb ways to Die on your phone!

RowdyCat and Yoopicul like this
New Jersey, USA
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

No, and the answer will always be no.

RowdyCat and Maccysundae like this
United Kingdom

someone make a counter on how many times this has been asked.

Aberdeen, Scotland


Also... A category like Death% is literally the same meminess as jumping in water as fast as you can or finding a village as fast as you can.

Pointless, stupid, and thus is not going to be added. Period.

linny356 likes this
United Kingdom

I'm just saying this only becomes a thread because of the "sonic tails knuckles" category REMOVE IT.

Strefan and linny356 like this

STK best category

Vermont, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

take a shot every time someone asks for death%

linny356 likes this
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