What are the best coordinates in the nether to go back to the overworld?
3 years ago
United States

I usually look to built my portal around 150-250 (x, z, or both: (150, 0), (0, 150), (150, 150), etc.), but is there a better place to blind at?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
South Korea

(if you have enough obsidian) just create a portal where you are standing, then shoot an eye and get the angle then just educated travel through the nether


absolute value of x + z = 300

South Korea

not exactly it would be more like |x|+|z|=300


ik but how do you type that?


oh wait no I see it im blind sry



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United States

@WwFour so I should never blind when |x| + |z| > 300? Meaning that I should blind at around 150, 150 or 200, 100, etc?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Portland, OR, USA

you want to be approx. 220 blocks out. So if you've done trig, when you are at 150, 150, you aren't actually 300 blocks from 0,0. I think the exact number is about 212. Obviously you don't have to do trig in your head, but instead of thinking about adding the coords to 300, try to think about how far out from 0,0 you are.

United States

Yeah I get that, I just wanted to know the best cords in the nether to get to the stronghold the quickest. So, why is around 220 the best? Wouldn't somewhere around 250 be better? 250 in the nether would be the halfway point between the first ring of strong holds at 2,000 from 0,0.

United States

@TimmyTheFrenchi if your going to necropost at least suggest something thats legal

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