Change in Moderation
Change in Moderation
Posted 1 year ago by

Hi all, I've just been made moderator since one mod hasn't been seen in like 8 months and the other got locked out of their account. The second mod will be reinstated if they make a new account or regain access to their old one but for the moment I'll be looking after the leaderboards on my own.

My name's Ecgtheow and I have some experience moderating, so I have a good handle on the moderation tools. If you need any help with anything or have a suggestion like a fun new category, feel free to contact me or make a forum post. I'd love to see this game get more attention because I love weird little gems like this.

Good luck with your runs.

  • Ecg
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Discord Server

Hey everyone,

Just letting you know that I've made a Discord server for the game. This should be an easier way to make suggestions and ask questions etc. You can join through the link at the top of the leaderboard page or through the invite link below. I'm new to managing a server so apologies if t

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