Automatic Timer for BizHawk?
6 years ago

So recently I have been interested in speedrunning this game, and I recently saw an automatic timer for FCEUX, and I wondered, is there an automatic timer for BizHawk instead?

The reason I ask this question is because FCEUX isn’t really for my computer (MAJOR input lag with slight lag every 5-10 secs)...and I don’t really time my splits well using LiveSplit (while using BizHawk).

If there is, can you send me a link to the script so I can apply it? Or is it that my emulator is not for LUA scripts?

Any help is appreciated. :]

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Bizhawk I think is even harder on your computer than FCEUX, and I don't think there is an automatic timer. I suggest just using Nestopia and using Manual splits since Nestopia is the lowest resource emulator so it's the easiest on your computer.


I’ve actually ran Nestopia on my computer and it crashed immediately. I even tried a different version of the software and yet it still crashed. I use BizHawk as it doesn’t make my computer run as hard FCEUX (I honestly don’t know why it won’t work.)

EDIT: My BizHawk emulator allows LUA scripts, so if an automatic timer is made, then please make it to allow the BizHawk software and for the software LiveSplit. Thanks!

Edited by the author 6 years ago
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  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
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