Glitchless Genocide Route for consistency with other categories
5 months ago
He/Him, They/Them
5 months ago

Since both Pacifist and Neutral have Glitchless and Glitched categories, I believe it would also be a great idea to add a category for people who want to play Genocide Glitchless. Hope this becomes a reality! Thanks


If people start submitting glitchless geno runs to any%, the new category will likely follow to showcase them. I've been itching to submit a glitchless geno run when I have time to grind out a clean run.

He/Him, They/Them
5 months ago

Someone I know is going through posting a glitchless geno run to any% as well, so I'm hoping that'll help with getting the category up and running.

California, USA

At the current moment Genocide won't have a glitchless category unless there is enough demand for one to be created. The current glitches don't create that much of a deviation to the run at this point that for the time being, glitchless won't be up. You can show your support for a potential split by running the category though! But as of current, glitchless won't be added.