pikashy2 years ago

I'm messaging moderators to lock this thread. There's no reason for this to continue.

pikashy2 years ago

In August 2018, the stream you turned on me, I spent over an hour in your stream defending myself, and trying to resolve the issue before it became a problem. You had absolutely none of it, and proceeded to bully me for 3 and a half years because nobody even had the thought of fact checking a thing you said. You could say any lies you wanted, and everyone would believe every word you said. Suddenly, you get banned from Twitch. You get banned from the Smash 64 speedrunning community. People are realizing who you really are. Everyone is distancing themselves from you. After three and a half years of being the alpha male bully, you're the one nobody wants anything to do with. And now that you're at the bottom, you're asking for a peace agreement? And spending the last few days still lying and manipulating as hard as you can? And even now, still trying to pretend to be the bigger man when you literally have no other option? Drop the "bigger man" act. You're done. You've been done for a while. Everyone knows who/what you are, and no amounts of manipulation is going to change that.

I'll repeat what I said many posts back: You single handedly brought the Smash 64 speedrunning community through the worst era it has ever had. You've fractured and destroyed the community in ways that may never be repaired. You bullied me to the point I quit everything "pikashy" because I couldn't take it anymore. All the while, you trivialized everything you did, manipulated everything, and got away with it for basically 3 years, and never once felt sorry for a thing you've done. You've portrayed me as a mentally ill person who needs psychological help for years. You've spread this to several other people, who have also in turn invaded my Twitch channel, my Discord server, and more, just to harass me and my community. I could make a hour long video explaining everything you've done.

Unless I'm mistaken, I think everyone here wants to never speak with you again. Everyone wants you gone. Nobody wants to deal with you anymore. But now, after the three years of stuff you've done, you want everyone to not talk about you? You were the life of the party for 3 years, and now that it's all crashed down on you, we shouldn't talk about it, letting you disappear without a trace? You're too ingrained in the history of Smash 64 speedrunning, notably in Very Hard speedruns, among several other things you've done in the game and within the community. You literally destroyed "pikashy" to the point of me quitting entirely. I personally have been severely impacted this over the course of the 3 years, to the point of quitting in order to avoid dealing with it, and all you did was cheer and celebrate, and tell everyone I was pretending to be a victim for attention.

Your history with everything is not something that will be "forgotten". And your actions towards me, as well as my community in some ways, is something that will never go away. Whether anyone talks about you again is something I cannot guarantee one way or another. You've been digging your own grave for years, and you're finally now falling into it.

I love how this whole conversation about you is tiresome and you want it to end, yet for the last 3 years, the conversation about me was alive the entire time. I was the meme of the Entei community, and bullied targeted, and harassed. Never once did you even consider trying to make it stop. Even in this thread, you continued, saying manipulated lies that were obvious and easy to explain. Suddenly, when you're the one being talked about, everyone needs to stop? The conversation is tiresome? Welcome to the 3 years I've gone through. If you truly wanted this conversation to stop, all you had to do, for the last 2 days, is stop talking. This conversation was over many times, yet you come in and start it up again each time. Everyone knows who/what you are, and nobody wants to deal with you anymore. And keeping my promise, I will end with this:

You're sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, make fun of mental illness, bully, target and harass people when things don't go your way, and are toxic to extreme levels, and I do not wish to be associated with someone showing this behaviour. Leave me alone.

dizmar and Glitchedblood like this
pikashy2 years ago

So what you've said and done on your stream towards me, the 3 and a half years of bullying, targeting, and harassment, is all ok? We're just going to pretend like what you've done to me for the last 3 and a half years never happened? And before you just attempt to dismiss it as "hateful garbage", you still haven't shown any single attempt to defend yourself against anything I said. As far as I'm concerned, if you can't even come up with a defense, you're admitting it's all true, and your "apology attempt" is the confirmation. Look at me in comparison. I'm responding and defending myself to every attack you've made in this thread, knowing full well it's your attempt to deflect the conversation away from you.

I will repeat myself. I do not wish to talk about you on stream. Yet, given the events that have happened, people repeatedly ask me what happened. To prevent myself from having to re-explain everything every time, a story I would much prefer not to say on stream, I just direct people to the bio, and they can get all the info they want from there. If you have a problem with being labelled as a bully in the bio, then maybe you shouldn't have bullied me for 3 and a half years.

Every day I'm begging for people to talk about you? I have avoided talking about you for nearly the entire time. The only time I have talked about you is when other people brought it up, and asked specific questions that I didn't think were answered in the bio panel. I am asking everyone here to fact check me on this. If anyone here thinks I repeatedly voluntarily talked about Entei on stream, or encouraged that conversation to happen in my Twitch chat, please call me out. Maybe there were one or two isolated incidents max, but in at least 99% of the streams I do, I don't even mention you, and avoid the conversation about you if it is brought up. You saying I'm "begging" to talk about you is a complete lie, and is again, another classic Entei deflection attempt. But just to reverse it on you, here's you admitting to exactly what you accused me of doing:

You talked about me on stream EVERY, SINGLE, STREAM you did. You encouraged your chat to make fun of me on your stream. You invited your loyalest followers into a voice call to make fun of me for an entire stream. You went to my Twitch bio and would read my "thoughts on WR" panel and make fun of it several times just for fun. You didn't beg for someone to start talking about me, you were already talking about me before they even had a chance to say anything.

I'd just be a lot happier if you left and never returned. Not message me on Twitch, not contact me in any other way, not even reference me at any other point in your life for any reason.

I've tried to talk it out with you. Every time that happens, your entire apology is a lie. I'm actually in the process of watching your apology for Link Very Hard No Damage attempts, debating if I should even bother uploading it. You apologized for the one thing I showed proof for, pretended you were being the bigger man resolving the situation (when in reality you were trying to avoid me exposing your lie with proof), and meanwhile, people in chat are making fun of me during the """apology""", and you are encouraging them to do so if the reason was unrelated to the proof.

How about you being banned the first time from the Smash 64 speedrunning in January 2020? You came into the discussion, and manipulated the permanent ban that was going to be issued, and turned it into a 6 month ban. Little did anyone know you were already selling your copy of the game and weren't going to be playing the game for months anyways, so this "6 month ban" did absolutely nothing.

You are a liar and a manipulator, and the evidence exists throughout this forum discussion and throughout everything that's happened in the last three and a half years. You've brought up countless fake stories and attempts at deflecting the attention off of you that I've lost count. Even now, you're "trying to act like the bigger man" in an attempt to deflect from everything you've said in this forum, everything that's been brought against you in this forum, and to deflect from everything that's happened in the last 3 and a half years. No talk is ever going to happen. I thought I made that clear a long time ago.

Again, you were apparently unable to talk, had irl stuff to do. Yet you still have time to spew out your 4-5 paragraphs of "deflection/manipuation". If people who read everything read all your messages from the beginning, they'd see that literally every single thing you've said this whole time has been nothing but lies. Even this last message you made has a clear lie in it, where you accuse me of trying to talk about you on stream, when the reality is you are the one that always talks about me, with mountains and mountains and mountains of proof to back that up. There's the video I posted above. There's the September 3rd 2 hour long bullying stream. There's the September 4th afterparty with your loyalest supporters in a voice call. That's just to name a few. Trying to make an apology message, and again lying in it is not a good way to try to trick people into thinking you're trying to be the bigger man here.

I'm done with you. Everyone here is done with you. And if it isn't clear, every message I write from now on, I'll end with this to hopefully make you finally leave:

You're sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, make fun of mental illness, bully, target and harass people when things don't go your way, and are toxic to extreme levels, and I do not wish to be associated with someone showing this behaviour. Leave me alone.

dizmar and Glitchedblood like this
pikashy2 years ago

These 5 messages were posted by a user, all within 5 minutes, and were the very first time the person has posted in my stream.


Oh ok

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, how is yourrrr night going? ❤️ xoox

Awww ❤️

Replying to @soup_steward: everyone always asks "when is stream" but nobody ask "how is streamer" 😦 Anna reads bio

:/ is your favourite "emote", message, and what you type every time you enter every stream. It's your go-to raid message. This is something you use all the time.

"Oh ok" is a phrase you use often. You've said this countless times in our conversations. Again, this is something you use often.

The next two messages are troll messages.

After the first two messages, I messaged someone watching immediately telling them that you were in my chat, but I was waiting for confirming evidence. You could probably hear me typing during the stream. And that's where the last message comes in.

Someone asks "how is streamer?". The response was "Anna reads bio". Someone who showed up in less than 5 minutes, without question would not have time to have read the entire bio by that point, nor would they even consider the idea that reading the bio has anything to do with this question. Even then, that person wouldn't announce out of nowhere that they were reading the bio. Yet this person knows exactly to answer "how is streamer" with "Anna reads bio", where that answer has nothing to do with the question at all, basically trying to get viewers to read the bio, and maybe to even bring up the whole panel that's written about you. There isn't any other person who would make this message, intentionally or accidentally, except you.

No other messages were made by this "username" after the "Anna reads bio" message.

You have way too many tells. It's extremely obvious it's you. I could show this to several other people, and them knowing the context, could identify you immediately.

For more convincing evidence, the account was created one month ago, which is a short time after you got banned from Twitch. The timing of the account being created also points to you.


As for your message using your own account, I didn't even see it. I guess Twitch's block system actually worked for once, unlike in April. Still, why would you even be in my stream in the first place, for any reason? Again, the last time I was in your stream was in August 2018. I have ignored you, avoided you, and no matter what I tried, you have constantly bullied, targeted, and harassed me, showed up in my stream in 2019, 2020, 2021, and, at your own admitting, whether with a main or alt (or both), 2022 last night.

Do you not get what the whole point of this is? I'm done with you. I want nothing to do with you. You coming to my stream shows that you still aren't done with this. There's no way you can manipulate the situation further here, as the evidence is so overwhelming against you, so you resort to harassing me on Twitch. There is ZERO reason for you to show up in my Twitch, or try to "reach out" to me in any way on any platform, no matter what account you wish to use. You're a stalker, and you showing up in my stream last night proves it once again. You're racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, make fun of mental illness, bully, target and harass people when things don't go your way, and are toxic to extreme levels, and I do not wish to be associated with someone showing this behaviour. Leave me alone.

I beat you in a videogame 3 and a half years ago, and you're still harassing me today. Grow up, and get lost. Take your "sincere apology", and shove it up where it came from.

dizmar and Glitchedblood like this
pikashy2 years ago

I was willing to assume that Entei would disappear, or at worst make a final bad attempt at deflecting everything again within this forum. What he did instead was not at all what I expected........

He showed up in my chat tonight disguised as an alt, and did a terrible job of hiding it.

For someone who was pretending to move on and deal with irl stuff instead, you seem to really want to continue to harass me. I don't think I have to explain anything at this point. Your obsession with bullying, targeting, and harassing me is so blatantly obvious that nobody's going to see it any other way. I've got nothing else to say at this point.

Glitchedblood likes this
pikashy2 years ago

Classic deflection again. Not responding to anything. Desperately throwing anything you can to manipulate the situation.

You're not responding to my accusations because you have no defense, and hope that by not responding, people will forget. This is what you've done literally every time, including in every one of our conversations. You force your storylines to be the ones talked about, just as you've done time and time again, and never once respond to anything that could be bad against you. I've responded to everything you've said, and I'd say not only defending myself, but showing where you're in the wrong instead. You will never talk about anything related to bullying, and attempt to manipulate the situation as much as you can to try to trivialize the whole bullying events.

Yes, Ghillie and I have had a problem in the past. Ghillie has since admitted that he was in the wrong, and that it was due to jealousy. Years ago, Ghillie stopped any kind of attacks towards me, and I have no reason to believe Ghillie would start up again. I have no problems with Ghillie now, and haven't for years, and I don't see any reason why a problem would start up again. You writing this is an attempt at some or a combination (or all) of these things: reignite a conflict between Ghillie and I, make me look like I have problems with everyone using Ghillie as the example (basically pushing your storyline that I pretend to be a victim), and trivializing the whole situation. Given the circumstances, in my personal opinion, you bringing up Ghillie attacks Ghillie just as much, if not more, than me, when the whole situation has been resolved years ago. Are you trying to make more enemies?

Let's be completely truthful about the reason you keep quitting Smash categories. The reason you don't speedrun smash anymore is because someone is better than you. That's all there is to it. Anytime I beat you, you quit. You spend a significant amount of time on Link Very Hard No Damage. I beat the challenge, you never run the category again, and even sell your copy of the game for over half a year. You go for the first Kirby sub 7, spend a lot of time on the category. I get sub 7 in a single stream, you never touch the category again. You go for Link Very Hard WR trying to "take back your WR". I demolish my own WR by 16 seconds with a 7:17, you never touched smash 64 speedruns again, harassing me on your way out. Nothing was preventing you from continuing these categories and challenges.

At the end of the day, this is the problem. You hate competition. You want to be the best runner in the game, hold the World Records, beat the impossible challenges, be at the top of the game. There is nothing wrong with that in isolation, and anyone who has a problem with that needs to grow up. However, when someone who can actually beat you comes around (i.e. me), you bully them and pressure them into quitting, and then thank them for letting you beat the challenge first. When you get a single World Record, you're a Link God. You're the master of Smash Speedruns. You're the best runner in the game (yes, Entei has claimed he's the best runner in the game, and nobody is on his level, not even me, when he had only one World Record, a run that took me less than 3 hours to beat when I finally ran the game again). Whenever I beat your run, I'm a phony, I'm mentally ill, everyone make fun of pikashy. This is the trend that's happened time and time again. You will gladly encourage absolutely any other runner to run the game, because you think you can easily beat any other runner, and beating more runners makes your accomplishments look better. But as soon as I touch your category, it's a problem. This is not only why you bully me, but this is also why you quit. You bully, target, and harass me to prevent me from beating you, and when it fails, and I succeed, you quit. I beat Link Very Hard No Damage first, you can never claim to be the first to complete the challenge, you quit. I get a Link Very Hard run of 7:17, a time I am willing to bet you will never beat, so you quit, and have never done a run since. There is nothing preventing you from still doing Very Hard No Damage attempts to complete the challenge. There is nothing preventing you from still doing Smash 64 speedruns. But because you can't be #1, you are quitting, and harass me less than 2 minutes after I got my run. You've never done a single speedrun since the 7:17, and I highly doubt you ever will. And even if you do, you'll have competition in whatever category you choose to run, I can guarantee it.

If you've been erased from my life, then why is someone under the username "Entei" constantly making posts calling me mentally ill, and continuing to portray me as pretending to be a victim? Let's do a summary of these messages:

"Bro pikashy you need some serious help.

The amount of time and energy you've put into these essays is not healthy.

Your entire profile is "some guy on the internet was mean to me and I am so emotionally distraught that I quit speedrunning." Is that really what you want to be known for?

I sincerely hope you can find some type of meaning for your life besides internet drama."

"I guess pikashy "the victim" gets more attention than pikashy "the speedrunner"

devoting half your bio to me, all these 1k+ word posts, taping (and stealing) my vods....

cmon dude, you gotta see the amount of time and effort you're expending thinking about someone you don't like (who you haven't even talked to in over a year) is bizarre.

You're obsessed dude, please get some help."

"I'm genuinely concerned for your mental well being."

"Idk dude, at this point I just feel bad for you."

"I've essentially been erased from your life yet you're still here crying about having been "targeted""

Over half of everything you said revolves around you portraying me as a mentally ill person who pretends to be a victim and needs serious psychological help. You have no defense to anything, so you instead try to portray me as mentally unstable so that you can avoid any type of consequences for your actions and try to deflect them on to me.

So once again, I've responded to each specific thing you've said in detail. Are you ever going to respond to a single thing related to bullying, or are you going to just pretend it never happened? The longer you pretend nothing happened, the more nobody buys your story (ironically).

Again, I would like to repeat "classic Entei manipulation" from a few posts back: "I can't talk about this anymore, I'm moving on, I have irl stuff to do". Two more posts on top of that? Yeah, nice try. More like you're trying to avoid anyone fact checking anything and attempting to dodge everything.

At the end of the day, you're done. You're not only a bully, but also sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, make fun of mental illness, toxic to high levels, and nobody wants to deal with you anymore including (finally) the Smash 64 speedrunning community. You're done Entei. If you want to defend yourself from what I said here, then go ahead. Otherwise, I'm just going to say this now, any message you make where you do not address the bullying, sexist, racist, homophobic etc accusations against you, you are admitting to it by proving you don't have a defense for that behaviour. I'm done with you. I've been done with you for over 3 years, and have tried to distance myself from you (yet you talk about me on stream every stream, and harass me when you can). The Smash 64 speedrunning community is done with you. I'm sure if other communities saw the proof of your behaviour, they wouldn't want anything to do with you. Take your toxicity elsewhere. And if you would like to challenge me on the claims I have made, I have proof for everything I said.

If you would like to challenge me and fact check me, I would be more than happy to provide the proof for everything I've said. I'm preoccupied the next few weeks, so I'd rather not go through everything now, but if you would like for me to do so now, and want to fact check me, I will gladly take time away from what I'm doing, sit down, and prepare a large "Entei expose video" filled with proof of everything I said. Just give me the word, and I'll prepare this just for you.

Is there anything else you'd like to say in this thread, or are you done? Your choice. Seeing as you haven't defended yourself from anything so far, I don't think any """defense""" you do would even be considered a defense, and anything you would challenge me on, I've got proof I can provide to back what I've said. Just give me the word. Otherwise, if you don't respond, I'll just assume you have no defense and have chosen to just not reply since there's no way to manipulate the situation anymore.

Anyways, I'm done. The Smash 64 speedrunning community is done. If you're done, then just leave. Your biggest contribution to the Smash 64 speedrunning community has been sending the community into the worst era the game has ever had, shattered the community in ways that may or may not ever be repaired (not just me, but others as well who have also partially or fully quit), and leaving before everything you've done comes back on you. I'm ready to move on. The Smash 64 speedrunning community is ready to move on. So if there's anything else you'd like to say, if there's anything you want me to clarify, any other proof you want me to provide, let me now. Otherwise, get lost, and don't ever come back. I think we're all ready to move on from this.

pikashy2 years ago

Actually, I just realized something. You're accusing me of my highest viewed video being "stolen". Isn't 80% of that video containing you READING MY ENTIRE BIO ON YOUR STREAM? Isn't 80% of the content in this video my own content being shown in your video? I'm a content thief for posting this on my Youtube channel. Yet you've gone on record saying that the stream you did was the best stream you ever did, and that you not only highlighted it, but saved it on your computer so that if it was taken down for whatever reason off of Twitch, you'd reupload it to Youtube. You had full intention of making this something I could never escape. Turns out that it's over 2 hours straight of bullying, and contains plenty of evidence of bullying events of the past as well. So you accusing me of "stealing" your content is entirely ironic, because the content I "stole" from you was 80% my own content you streamed on your stream.

Also, for the sake of fact checking, that video is nowhere near the most viewed video. It's the 14th most viewed video on my channel, with 162 views right now, the most viewed video having 1,432 views. It's not even close to the most. But good try deflecting the situation on me with another manipulation/lie.

Again, I'm waiting for you to address ANYTHING I have brought up.

pikashy2 years ago

I'm obsessing over it? Tell me when was the last time I showed up in your stream chat? I'll answer that for you: August 2018, when you turned on me. I have not been in your stream chat since, and I encourage you to fact check me on that. When have you shown up in my stream chat since then: 2019, 2020, and 2021. What about you showing up in my stream in April, LESS THAN 2 MINUTES AFTER I GET WR IN LINK VERY HARD, and harass me? What about the 3 years of you ripping me apart on stream, and even admitting to it on stream?

Again, classic Entei manipulation tactics at work. Please, if you think this is all inaccurate and unnecessary, address ANY SINGLE THING that I have brought up about the bullying. You have not addressed anything. Why don't you tell everyone why I'm a "White Knight", or a "phony", or why me touching Link Very Hard is a criminal offense. I would be more than happy to fill in the context you conveniently leave out.

If you're not going to address anything, and instead give manipulation attempts to avoid the discussion, then you're basically proving everything I'm saying as you have no defense.

Glitchedblood likes this
pikashy2 years ago

Answering each paragraph one at a time. Before I do so, I want to point out a classic manipulative tactic Entei does time and time again, and that is deflecting the negative attention off of him, and putting it on someone else (in this case, me). Pretty much Entei's entire response doesn't answer anything, and instead deflects it back to me. This is something Entei has done for years.

I don't know what your definition of "trying to reach out" is, but every time you've messaged me, it has been nothing but harassment trying to get me to "admit" to your stories you created. You've come to my stream to harass me in front of my viewers, you've private messaged me telling me to admit to your stories, and even immediately after I beat my own Link Very Hard run in April 2021 (after coming back from quitting), you are in my stream harassing me. And I've got proof for each of these. If you are going to challenge me on this, then I will post all of the proof I have showing this. So in conclusion, yes you contacted me, but every time, you harassed me. So this is a manipulative tactic to make it seem like you were trying to resolve the issue.

Entei has portrayed me for years as a mentally ill and unstable person needing psychological help, pretending to be a victim in order to seek attention. This is his way of "dismissing" and deflecting me calling him a bully (which ironically is bullying in itself), and avoiding talking about it.

I've been bullied, targeted, and harassed by you since August 2018, leading me to quit speedrunning Smash 64, quit the speedrunning community, and ultimately quit Twitch, "pikashy", and everything. The bullying, targeting, and harassment was so bad I quit everything in an attempt to avoid it. And then your community still came to my Discord server harassing my community nearly half a year after I left. I attempted to ignore and avoid the situation in the hopes that it would make the bullying stop. However, this has gone on for so long, and has gotten so excessive at times that the longer I do nothing, the more you seem to feel empowered to bully me. And now that I'm defending myself from the bullying, writing what happened, providing evidence and everything, me putting the time and effort to defend myself is not healthy? You're trying to "invalidate" me speaking out against you by, once again, portraying me as a mentally ill person who needs psychological help.

The panel explaining the bullying events is one panel buried deep in my Twitch bio. The reason it exists is because I didn't want to deal with the situation, or even talk about the situation after I quit. Yet being the WR holder in every category, everyone kept asking why I quit. So to avoid explaining each time, I wrote out the panel, and directed people to it. As long as you continue to bully and harass me, as long as you continue to call me mentally ill, as long as you refuse to admit you've bullied me for over 3 years, that panel is 100% relevant. Also, this is another classic way of Entei attempting to deflect the attention on me. I write out a panel defending myself. Entei calls me out as an emotionally distraught mentally ill person who needs help, and wants to be known as a victim as a way to seek attention. This is his way of "dismissing" the panel as a whole (and basically every time I defend myself).

Again, this last paragraph in the first post is portraying me as someone who is seeking attention using internet drama. Entei again deflecting the whole situation.

Post 2

Entei has compared me to Todd Rogers because I verified my own Link Very Hard run that beat his run back in January 2019. Ever since then, he's been using this storyline to show and support his storyline that I'm a phony, and is again using it here. At the time, EVERY smash 64 moderator verified their own times. I did, Shadow did, and KM did. This was something that was done by every moderator, and was considered acceptable in the community at the time. Yet it's only a problem that I'm doing it, but everyone else is fine? If this was an issue, Entei should have brought it up to the community. Instead, he singles me out, compares me to Todd Rogers, and continues to spread his stories that I'm a phony. Even here, he's singling me out, and only me. Never once has he gone after Shadow for verifying his own runs. Never once has he gone after KM for verifying his own runs. He has only gone after me. And I want to make it clear the run I verified that started the whole Todd Rogers comparison is my 7:33 Link Very Hard run that beat his 7:50 run. Me beating his WR encouraged him to compare me to Todd Rogers.

The "All legitimate runs" sentence is just an opinion, so that's irrelevant to this.

I'm going to finish the last 3 here. This is another manipulative tactic Entei has done time and time again. When he no longer wants to talk about something, he tries to "act like the bigger man", and says he wants to move on and not deal with this anymore. He usually bring up irl stuff as to why he cannot continue talking (which he does here again). This is basically his way of having the conversation dropped, and avoiding any response to what he says. This is something Entei has done time and time again. I don't know if him saying this is true or not in this scenario, but I want to point out this manipulative tactic he has done several times in the past (often when talking with me).


In summary:

Pretty much Entei's entire two post response has been nothing but manipulation and deflection of the attention from him to me. He deflects nearly every accusation made against him by using this storyline that I'm a mentally ill person who needs psychological help, and seeks attention by pretending to be a victim, which he says several times in his posts. Never once in his entire two posts does he actually talk about any of the bullying events, and instead attempts to deflect the entire conversation away from that. This is 100% classic Entei manipulation, and I'm making it very clear this is what happened.

I may or may not do another response with proof later, but for now, I'm leaving it at this. If this is Entei's response, then I may make a more formal detailed response filled with proof later.

Dococarina, dizmar and 2 others like this
pikashy2 years ago

To add a few more pieces of context, when he convinced everyone to make the ban a temporary 6 month ban in January 2020, he was already quitting running the game and selling his copy of Smash 64. He was quitting the game because I beat a challenge before he did (Link Very Hard No Damage), where he wanted to be the first to beat the challenge, and even bullied me to not run it, and even thanked me when I didn't run it for a day, "letting" him beat it first. (He never beat it, yet for some reason everyone thinks he did?) So the ban literally had no effect on him, as he wasn't going to be playing the game at all, nor would he even have a copy to play. This manipulation by him gave him the option to return to the game if he felt like it. So this "temporary" ban effectively had no effect. So for what it's worth, there was never a ban that had an actual effect.

Second, Entei accuses me of being a phony the entire 3 years of the bullying events, and is one of his biggest "excuses" for bullying me during that period. His reasoning for accusing me of being a phony are entirely manipulated facts. However, with what I explained in my last post, Entei has made countless claims that are completely false, claims to be the best runner in the game when he's nowhere close, and more. At the end of the day, I'm not the one who is a phony, Entei is, and the evidence and a simple fact check shows this.

pikashy2 years ago

Entei has no records, and any record he had took me a couple of hours of serious attempts to beat at most, some taking less than an hour (with him spending months or years to get the times he got). The only reason he had WRs is because he ran a category nobody else cares about, and his only competition, me, he'd bully to prevent running the category and beating his times (at one point even thanking me for not running the category, letting him get the title, and I have proof of this).

Entei has claimed he's the best runner in the game, and that nobody is on his level (I have this claim locally recorded). Yet if you compare his times to mine, it's not even close. I have the WR in every category, and my average lead per character over the next best run on Very Hard (Entei's category) is over 45 seconds, 10 characters of which Entei has the "next best run" (he has no recorded Falcon or Pikachu run, so the next best run is used for those two). Entei is nowhere near being the best runner, and any claims he is making, a simple fact check shows otherwise.

He's also claimed that he discovered most of the Very Hard strats used today, including many revolutionizing strats that completely changed how the game is ran. All but one strat were either discovered by someone else years before he ran the game, were known about by the community years ago, were so obvious anyone who played the game since it came out would know, or are so obsolete that the strat is effectively useless and at times laughable. For example, his claimed greatest discovery, the Giant DK SD strat, a strat he claims completely changed Very Hard runs forever, was discovered by me several years before he even ran the game. Yet he is claiming to everyone that he made this discovery, even though every part of it was discovered by me. Another example, his "discovery" of the bomb attracting Luigi, is known by literally everybody that has ever played against a level 9 CPU since the game came out, and was discussed as a legitimate strat by the community back in like 2014. The only strat he discovered that is actually good is his first half of Link on Samus (boomerang/bomb into grab). It's currently by far the best consistent start to the Samus stage up until the grab. Everything else is discovered by someone else years before he ran the game, or incredibly obsolete (Link on Pikachu lol. Just compare his strat to mine, it's actually laughable, yet he brags about the strat).

The only reason Entei seemed to be a "top" runner in the game is because he ran a category that nobody cared about, manipulated and lied to everyone, and bullied the best runner into quitting. Yet the difference between me and his Very Hard runs is far larger than me and everyone's Very Easy runs (15ish second average in Very Easy compared to over 45 second average in Very Hard). He's second out of 2 runners that actually take the category seriously (save for the occasional character where someone else does serious attempts), so effectively, he's last place in nearly every category in Very Hard, and far behind the top runner.

On top of that, his extreme toxicity has been going on for years. He was going to be permanently banned back in early 2020, but at his own request, the ban was changed to being temporary (6 months), under the expectation he would improve his behaviour (which, as we all know, he didn't improve at all). The only reason he was never truly banned otherwise is because the main moderator of Classic Mode runs of the game supported Entei the entire time, still supports him now, and defended him throughout the entire 3 years despite all the evidence brought against Entei (again, I have video evidence of Entei saying this, thanking the moderator). From what I was told by some members of the community, they looked up to this moderator for help with the Entei situation after I left (as he basically became the leader by default), as the members didn't feel comfortable speaking up against Entei by themselves, fearing they would be Entei's next target. I myself went to this moderator for help with Entei, providing tons of evidence, and was told I was the problem by this moderator. As a result, Entei was able to roam freely with full toxicity.

In every competitive league, and every profession, when someone shows extreme toxicity, they are suspended, and if their actions continue, or are extreme enough, can be suspended or banned indefinitely. This happens in literally every competitive group, including and notably professional sports. Plenty of athletes, coaches, managers, and owners have been banned for repeated toxic actions. Singers, artists, actors, and more, have all lost their jobs and careers for extreme toxic behaviour. Runners have been banned in the past in other games and from speedrunning events (e.g. AGDQ) for their toxic behaviour. This isn't something that is out of nowhere, and is completely normal.

Entei has already been temporarily banned under the expectation his behaviour would improve, and it hasn't. That temporary ban was basically 90% done by me after I quit the community (basically supporting a community I left), as the community for the most part didn't say or do anything during the ban discussion (they asked me to help with the "trial", but then I was basically the only one talking). Other than that, the community did nothing about Entei until the evidence was so overwhelming they didn't have a choice (I can guarantee he would still be accepted today if Twitch didn't ban him), and even now it's not officially a permanent ban (so basically it's a temporary ban). I don't want to associate with toxicity, nor do I want to be associate or support communities that support that type of behaviour. That's why I left, and honestly, with how long Entei's behaviour has been considered "acceptable", I don't see myself returning to the community.

Sorry to everyone for what may sound like me going overboard, but I've been affected by this personally for 3 years, even to the point of quitting "pikashy" entirely for over 6 months because I couldn't take it anymore. And basically the entire time, I was bullied into silence, never really being able to speak up. And the one person I trusted and turned to for help, turned out to be defending Entei the entire time. This is one of the rare times I've actually publicly explained myself on the whole Entei situation (outside of my personal Discord server, private messages, and buried panels/videos). So before you get mad at me, as I know some people are probably ready to do, just realize what I've been through. As I said previously, if anyone wants to know more about what happened, I'd be happy to talk about it, as I finally feel like I can do so safely. Otherwise, thank you to everyone who read this.

pikashy2 years ago

I wasn't involved in the decision, so I don't know. I'd also like to add to that question, and ask if it's a temporary or permanent ban.

pikashy2 years ago

Re-reading my message, I never explained why I was bullied. I was bullied because of WR. Entei wanted to have the WR for himself, and saw me as the runner who could prevent him from getting it, or as the runner that could take it away if he did have it. Anytime I touched "his" category, he targeted me. Even after I quit running the game, the targeting continued, to a point where I quit everything online and walk away from "pikashy". While I was still quit, his community came to my Discord community and harassed everyone there, forcing me to come back to ban everyone and protect the people I cared about (an IRL friend in the server told me about it).

WR is why I was bullied, which is another reason why my runs are off the leaderboards. And the smash 64 speedrunning community did nothing about anything that happened, and instead I was told I was the one that needed to let things go, which is why I am no longer a member of the community, nor do I want to be associated with the community (along with them being ok with his toxic behaviour as explained earlier).

Bigtime_flex likes this
pikashy2 years ago

Short answer: because I don't consider myself a member of the Smash 64 speedrunning community, nor do I want to be even considered associated with the community, and that includes runs on the leaderboards. I left the Discord group over 2 years ago, and have no interest in returning. I'll do solo runs from time to time because running the game is fun, but that's for fun, and not for any leaderboard reasons.

Reason: See "Entei is now banned" forum, as I posted it there since it is more relevant there.

Long answer, with plenty of stories with proof: pm me on Discord, as it's way too long to describe here.

pikashy2 years ago

Seeing as my videos about Entei are being posted here, I feel I should give my very summarized explanation of what happened. If anyone wants more info, feel free to PM me on Discord, as this is a very shortened explanation.

I got bullied out of the community by Entei64, and the community as a whole did absolutely nothing about it. The bullying went for years, and got so extreme that I eventually quit Twitch, Discord, "pikashy", and everything online because I couldn't take it anymore, and the community still did nothing. On top of that, they did nothing about Entei's extremely toxic behaviour for years, including his sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, making fun of mental illness, etc, even though several members were fully aware of what was going on (I made several of Entei's actions public to the community). They only now banned him because Twitch finally (temporarily) banned Entei, and after that, with the reason for the Twitch ban known by other people and could be potentially easily spread, and fearing backlash if they still did nothing, the community didn't have a choice but to ban him. Even the day before the ban, two moderators had zero interest in banning Entei, and said I was the one who needed to let it go. One moderator still supports Entei today, and defended Entei the entire time since the issues began.

Maybe this will provide more context for why the ban happened. And as I said, if anyone wants more information, feel free to PM me on Discord.

pikashy2 years ago

I'm ok with this being posted here for now. I just don't want my runs on the actual leaderboards.

AspectCave and GhillieGuide like this
pikashy2 years ago

Just noticed people talking about this in the last couple of weeks, so I'll explain more about why I made this.

To start, this game has 36 "main" categories for Classic mode (12 characters, 3 difficulties). As a result, it is impossible to optimize every single category. Most categories are far from optimal, and I strongly believe a strong player could easily beat them (Fray proved this with Ness over this last Summer 2021). Yet a lot of people were claiming that my runs were "godlike", and too good to beat, which I felt was completely inaccurate. I had already quit running the game at the time due to being bullied out of it (mostly by runners who wanted WR and saw me as the runner who could prevent them from getting it, or take it away if they did get it, notably Entei64). I also left the smash 64 speedrunning community as they did nothing about the bullying for the entire 3 years it was happening. So I wasn't going to be beating any of my runs to show anyone otherwise.

So I decided to put this bounty. The goal was to get a strong competitive player, better than me, to speedrun the game, and beat this bounty. My whole goal was to get someone to show everyone that my runs were not the godlike runs that everyone seems to think they are, and many are very much beatable. The other reason was to try to encourage people to run the game in general, and increase competition in speedruns of the game. Everything was for good intent, and to try to support a community I had already left. I was low on money at the time, in my final years of University, so I couldn't really afford to put a large amount of money on the line, so that's why it was $50.

Another reason I made this bounty, a personal reason I don't think I told many people, was to try to encourage other strong players to beat my WR runs, as I hoped that if that were to happen, it would reduce the amount of bullying I received, as my runs were no longer the "WR" runs to beat.

The way it was received was the complete opposite. It was memed by the smash 64 speedrunning community for the entire time. It was memed by the competitive 64 community. Something I made for good intent was basically taken and used against me. Nobody attempted to beat a single run as far as I was aware, and the bounty basically expired without a single run beaten. Had someone beaten 2-3 runs, I would have given them part or all of the bounty for being willing to take on the challenge and put effort into it, but nobody bothered, and instead everyone decided to meme it. And given everything else that was going on in the community as explained earlier, an attempt to try to support and grow a community I left just made things worse for me.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago in late November 2021, two years after I initially created the bounty, I decided to try out this challenge myself, giving myself a one month timeline instead of the original 3 months in the bounty. I had not touched the majority of the categories in over 2-3 years, so I was coming in extremely rusty. The way people spoke when I said I was taking on this challenge in only 1 month, it seemed like nobody thought I would have a chance to beat it.

The first night, I beat Fox. The second night, I beat Samus and Jigglypuff. The third night, I beat Ness. 4 PBs in 3 nights. I then did Pikachu attempts for a couple of streams, but shortly afterwards took a week break, as I got busy with IRL stuff. When I came back, the very next stream, I beat Pikachu, Mario, and Yoshi (the bounty time for Yoshi, not my actual PB, as I PB'd in the Summer). So I beat 7/12 characters in less than 2 weeks, including a 1 week break. It effectively took me less than a week of effort for me to beat this bounty. On top of that, I didn't necessarily pick the easiest characters to beat, but the ones I felt like running at the time. Had I picked the easiest, I could have maybe beaten this sooner. The whole time, some people doubted I could beat the bounty, let alone some of the characters I was trying to beat.

If it took me less than a week of effort for me to beat this bounty, then I hope that shows that this bounty was not the "impossible" challenge people thought it was. Any strong competitive player could have beaten this bounty rather easily. And while this may sound stupid, I did take it personally when some people, most notably nearly the entire Smash 64 speedrunning community, memed the bounty that was simply meant to grow their own community even after I left it. I'm happy I beat it, especially in less than 2 weeks (and only effectively a week of effort), as I feel I defended and validated the entire intent of the bounty, even if only to myself. However, I don't think the general community will see it that way, and I feel this may be a permanent meme I'm stuck with.

That's basically my side of the whole bounty.

My successful attempts:








pikashy5 years ago

If you mean livestreaming on youtube, I don't see a problem with that. If Youtube will save your broadcast, then that would work out fine.

I use Twitch for streaming, and it saves your past broadcast for 14 days (though you have to check a button that says "save my past broadcasts", for some reason it's turned off by default). But anytime within those 14 days, you can make a highlight of your run, and then it will be saved indefinitely.

pikashy5 years ago

I don't really use social media personally. Others might, but not sure. Even if you pointed a phone at the screen, that would work. Obviously it's not the best solution, but it would work, and we could see what you're doing to be able to give you better advice.

When I started running, I literally pointed my laptop at the tv screen (it has a webcam built into it). It was horrible quality but it was a way I could record, so I did it.

pikashy5 years ago

The CPUs don't register the Saffron City stage properly. They are fine on the main platform, but don't properly recognize the parts of the stage on the side. In the gap between the main stage and the helicopter pad, the AI will attempt to recover to the helicopter pad instead of towards the main stage (not sure why this is the case, maybe because the ledge is a little lower, and therefore a little closer?).

On the NA version, Pikachu's recovery is always straight up, then straight sideways (towards the side Pikachu is recovering to). If Pikachu is in the gap between the main stage and the helicopter pad, Pikachu will up B straight up, then straight right towards the helicopter pad. However, this often puts Pikachu well past the helicopter pad, and will fall to the blastzone below. So in a speedrun, if you can get Pikachu in the gap, and force it to use its up-B in that gap, more often than not, it will up-B past the platform and KO itself.

As Fox, if you stand on the top platform (where Pikachu spawns), and shine Pikachu when it's around the middle part of the platform, Pikachu will fall right into the gap and instantly KO itself. You can watch my Fox run for an example of this: . Pikachu's position is fairly specific, but has enough of a window for it to work out. In this run, I use Dair so that if Pikachu walks left, Dair catches Pikachu and positions it perfectly for a shine KO. You don't have to do that, you can just wait for Pikachu to walk into position before you shine it.

About pikashy
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