New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Cool, thank you

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Thanks, you two!

@i_o_l, so you're saying that the framerate definitely is lower? Do you think that would make a noticeable difference if I practiced solely with the GBA version but did runs with the NES version?

thread: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

It was already a thing a few days before you posted about it :P

Still fast, if you ask me :D

thread: Talk
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago


I know what you mean. I don't appreciate that type of comedy either, but it's not all insulting. Most of that type of stand-up is the more "mainstream" stuff. A guy like John F. O'Donnel is manic depressive (I think that's the term), and his sets are often simply descriptions of his past, wild mental delusions. Myq Kaplan is a comic whose set is often wordplay and puns. I don't want to defend stand-up comedy as a whole, since I have a much different perspective from most people, but I will say that it's not all insulting.

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Is there a specific reason why 1:08 is kind of the recent threshold that no one can get beyond? Is it just difficult to put together a good run after nailing the ladder glitch?

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Can someone explain to me what's going on with this game and how the ladder glitch works? All I have to go by is the WR video and the run comments of a few people.

Thanks :)

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Does anyone have any information on the GBA version? It's the exact same game, right?

Also, SMB-DX has a separate leaderboard, but is it the same game, if I wanted to use it to practice?

New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

I know that the Steam page has some good guides for general gameplay:

I remember one more, but I can't find it yet :-/

The one speedrun that I watched, it looked like the player was simply sprinting through the levels to get to the exits as fast as possible, without actually meeting the objectives. I'm assuming it was on easy mode and the final stage was simply easy enough to get through without additional resources.

But I don't speedrun the game, so I don't exactly know.

If any runners or the mod sees this, I'd like to know do the listed times include the Contingency Plan?

I might actually put a run together. I didn't really look into it before, and I like the Any% category.

thread: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

It's fixed! (at least it's working for me, now)

thread: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Why is the Mega Man community averse to times also being listed here? Is it just for the sake of convenience?

thread: Speedrunning
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

(randomly saw this thread and have a recent experience to vent about)

I try to keep a cool head. If I make a mistake, then I always try to persist, within reason. The one thing that really peeves my pet is when I continue after a mistake and end up with a PB.

This happened today:

I may have lost a second there, and I went on to PB by 5 seconds xD

P.S. I love RNG, because it gives me perspective in other areas of life.

thread: Speedrunning
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

@Yonish, you've really been pushing the werewolf game :D

I'll give it a shot soon, and did you know that there's a sequel on Steam?

Westerado looks fun, too.

thread: Talk
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

I agree with FurryWulfz. Most comics aren't funny.

I find stand-up extremely entertaining, but I usually don't find it laugh-out-loud funny. I usually like a comic because they have interesting stories or perspectives. One of my favorite comics is Myka Fox, a woman, but she only really makes me laugh when she's in situations other than doing a set.

thread: Speedrunning
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

I second OTS! I haven't started practicing, because I've got so many games that I'm trying to decide between. It's an amazing game, it's short, and it's fun. If you don't want to run it, then I would also recommend just playing it for fun. It's the game that got me back into video games after 10 years of not playing anything. Plus, if you start playing it, then I will have more incentive to play it with someone else on my beginner level :D

You should give Shower With Your Dad Simulator a shot, if you're into the sub-1min things, like MvM. It's a lot more random than MvM, though.

You Have to Burn the Rope is very MvM. It's 30-40sec, and it's free.

I'm literally in the same boat as you. I want a short game that can be practiced in segments and that has a leaderboard for segments. If you're looking for fun/dumb, I would also suggest Spanky's Quest. There's a Game Boy version as well as a SNES version. The full game is about an hour, but it can be practiced in 10-15min segments.

The Spanky's Quest GB mod also told me that Super Mario World has a good learning curve, and the leaderboards are broken into sections.

Can you tell I'm just looking for competition? :D Seriously, let me know what you end up playing. I've got mostly Game Boy games and Mighty Gunvolt lined up, but I wouldn't mind shifting my focus a little. The way you tackled MvM makes me think that you'd be a fun person to compete against :D


EDIT: I should also mention that the OTS community is awesome and helpful. Whenever someone new watches his Twitch stream, BeardedBusker makes it a point to explain the game's mechanics, and he does an impromptu walkthrough. Good stuff.

DarQ likes this
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

You guys are crazy :D

MIDIbusker likes this
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

It actually is possible to do that, though I'm not sure how. I know of Steam versions of games being available on torrent sites, and they work independently of the client.

Too bad this game is no longer around. It looks fun.

thread: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

@Deln The original post states, "or refusing your help without justification", which pertains to my issue.

EDIT: Nevermind. I read that as "refusing [TO] help". I got the information that I needed, anyway :D

Thank you :)

I didn't realize that it was possible to DM users on this site.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
thread: The Site
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Hello, I am having an issue with the moderator of a particular game. Is this the appropriate place to file some sort of complaint?

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
New Jersey, USAkobepilgrim8 years ago

Hello, folks :)

I picked up this game for the sole purpose of running it. I'm new to speedruns, as well as gaming, and this looks like a simple and fun platformer to start off with.

I'm going level by level and trying to learn the game in increments. I just posted my first successful run of the Train with Gunvolt. If anyone can take a minute to check it out and give me some feedback, that would be appreciated. Any general tips would also be appreciated. So far, I'm watching everyone else's runs and trying to pick things up.

About kobepilgrim
8 years ago
5 years ago
Games run
Mighty Gunvolt
Mighty Gunvolt
Last run 8 years ago
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami
Last run 8 years ago
Spanky's Quest (GB)
Spanky's Quest (GB)
Last run 8 years ago
Party Hard
Party Hard
Last run 8 years ago
Shower With Your Dad Simulator
Shower With Your Dad Simulator
Last run 8 years ago
Godzilla Domination!
Godzilla Domination!
Last run 7 years ago
Out Zone
Out Zone
Last run 6 years ago
Games followed
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami
Last visit 6 years ago
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Last visit 7 years ago
Party Hard
Party Hard
Last visit 6 years ago
Mighty Gunvolt
Mighty Gunvolt
Last visit 6 years ago
Last visit 7 years ago
Out There Somewhere
Out There Somewhere
Last visit 6 years ago
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
Invisible, Inc.
Invisible, Inc.
Last visit 8 years ago