Bouvet Islanddcruze4 years ago

I just made these two videos so you can compare for yourself. In-game I have Vertical Sync set to Off, this is an important step since you will not encounter the problem if it is set to On.

Things to note here is how much faster you are able to skip cutscenes when you do not cap your fps (this could result in a 10-20 second speed gain throughout an entire run), and how Ripley seems to go into slow motion, followed by a burst of speed while walking in the corridor. When you cap fps to 275, these problems do not occur...

I am using the most current driver, version 446.14.

GTX 1070 | 720p Windowed | No FPS Cap

GTX 1070 | 720p Windowed | 275 fps

ElectriicNine likes this
Bouvet Islanddcruze4 years ago

Daravae's post about the Full Mod's decision regarding Jeff can be seen here:

This document is the official statement of the Alien Isolation moderators. It fully explains the details and circumstances of the issue:

Bouvet Islanddcruze4 years ago

I have sent you a DM.

thread: The Site
Bouvet Islanddcruze5 years ago

This is resolved now, thanks :)

thread: The Site
Bouvet Islanddcruze5 years ago

But you pointed me in the right direction, if we include time with loads on the levels, it gets sorted "olympics"-style.

Previously, we only filled in the time for Time Without Load on those - but I guess we will need to put the same time in both columns, and it'll work...


thread: The Site
Bouvet Islanddcruze5 years ago

No, it's in the single level leaderboard, specifically this:

thread: The Site
Bouvet Islanddcruze5 years ago


I was wondering how you get "tied" records on this site? I'm one of the moderators for Alien: Isolation, and we have been struggling with it and can't get it to work. We have players with the same time in seconds, yet they're listed as #1 with TimeA, #2 with TimeA, etc.

I see other games that have it working, for example Ultimate Doom E1M1 have multiple players as #1

Thanks in advance for any help with this, -d

Bouvet Islanddcruze6 years ago

Check out Ruuj's guide on keybinding on this site

One advantage to editing the config file instead of setting it up in the game is that you can double-bind, that is have the same action on several keys.

Personally, the only thing I've changed is to have 'crouch' on mousewheel down as well as on the C key.

Good luck!

Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

I added a script in the resources section, AI 100% objectives GUI, which lets you scroll a text file on top of your game. It's tailored for Alien: Isolation 100%.

Using AutoHotKey like this is ok, as long as you don't use it to send input to the game (then it's considered a third-party program).


Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

I updated the guide for 100% in the Guides section. Hope to see more people running this! :)


Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

Dallas seems to be the best character to pick for Crew Expendable.

He starts at around the same distance from the bridge as Ripley does (Parker has a disadvantage here, and starts further away), but the biggest difference is in between connecting Ash to the airlock system and when the airlock becomes primed (52 secs for Dallas, 58+ secs for Ripley and Parker).


qckdth, Cliffs, and Metzix like this
Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

The rules have been changed slightly for submitting a single survivor mode run:

"Timed by the in-game timer. Must be Single Segment. Single map only, not as part of a Gauntlet or Endurance Mode. NO PAUSING."

It now needs to be strictly a single, not part of a Gauntlet or Endurance Mode. This way it will match the single map leaderboard in-game, and there will be no difference in items or RNG.


Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

We recently changed the sorting on the leaderboard to use time without loads. People playing on PC are encouraged to use the load remover from now on to get the best time possible.

Here is a guide on how to set up LiveSplit from scratch to use the load remover.

  1. Download Livesplit:

  2. Run Livesplit

  3. Right-click the LiveSplit window and select the top option, "Edit Splits..."

  4. Select "Alien: Isolation" for Game Name

  5. Click "OK"

  6. Right-click Livesplit and select "Edit Layout..."

  7. Double-click "Timer" 8 ) Select "Game Time" for Timing Method

  8. Click "OK"

  9. Click the "+" icon in the top left corner of the Layout Editor

  10. Select "Timer -> Timer"

  11. Your second timer will now be at the bottom of the list, double-click it and select "Real Time" for Timing Method.

  12. Click "OK" twice.

  13. Save your splits and layout.

  14. Start the game and begin playing, you start the timer when you see the load icon disappear just before you get out of hypersleep.

  15. Finish the game, you end the timer when the screen goes black after pressing the last button in Mission 19.

If you want to personalize your LiveSplit and add splits for all the missions, you can do that, but this bare-bones approach is all that is really necessary.

Make sure you start LiveSplit before you start the game, if you don't, the load remover won't be able to connect to the game and won't work.

That is all. Have fun :)


thread: The Site
Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

I don't know if this has been suggested before, but it would be nice to have a third way of sorting leaderboards for games that have a load remover.

The first two options are what currently exists:

  1. "Time without loads" works great, but there is a problem where the leaderboard will break in half for the old runs that only have times that include load times. This can be "fixed" by simply putting in the RTA (time with loads) time in the IGT (time without loads) column as well.

(2) "Time with loads". Can also work well, but you run into problems where players basically "pay to win" by having the fastest SSD etc. A superior load-removed run can be sorted below an inferior run where the player has better load times.

(3) This is what I'm suggesting as a third option: Here you would get the exact same effect as option (1) when you put the RTA time in both columns for runs that don't use the load remover, but in this case you would keep it blank when there is no data. This way you can just glance at the leaderboard and determine that no load remover was used for that run, but it would still get sorted correctly. It would require the sorting algorithm to look at both columns and pick the best value, and in my opinion would look a lot cleaner.

Hope this makes sense, -d

Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

I would keep it as it is, sorted by "time with loads" (RTA), or change the sorting to "time without loads". Preferably the latter.

Option 2 is too much work, options 3 and 4 are not really accurate, and option 5 is messy.

Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

When I made the hacking bot, I had to make sure to introduce artificial pauses so the game wouldn't eat the input. Around 17 ms for each keypress down, and 380 ms total between each symbol punched in. Those are the "safe" values where it will work all the time. That's what made it so difficult to hack Apollo without lowering it's defenses. Even with a lucky hack that had symbols close to each other on the left side (so you didn't have to move the cursor much and wasting time) it would still exceed the 2 second limit. The logic for solving the puzzles itself is done in a few milliseconds.

I ended up lowering the values so it would only work a fraction of the time and after many tries I got it.

So if you're faster than the safe values, the game won't register the input.

Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

I did that on purpose, to see if you would notice. ;)

Nah, after doing it a hundred times like that, in my mind the left door was locked from outside, so I never checked. The one that got away.

Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

Those look very nice indeed :)

Edit: With kind permission from AstalaYstalawa, I'm putting up a mirror of his versions of the maps here.

He also has maps of the main campaign and Nostromo DLC with additional information compared to the in-game maps:

Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

That's very nice :)

Bouvet Islanddcruze8 years ago

If you want to use Twitch and restream the recording, that's up to you. But you might run into the exact same problem and end up with several VODs with missing footage.

With a video-sharing website, that's not a problem. There are alternatives to YouTube as well:


About dcruze
9 years ago
27 days ago
Games run
Alien: Isolation
Alien: Isolation
Last run 8 years ago
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Alien: Isolation Category Extensions
Games moderated
Alien: Isolation
Alien: Isolation
Last action 1 year ago