Brazilaxlroc2 months ago

do you seriously have to take every wr on this game????!!!

Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

Guess I messed up by a frame

Finlandwastaken and Snake5 like this
Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

this should be in old skipless

Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

can you please explain how the timing works, i retimed to 3:31.2 with the start being when player moves and end being touching the platform. im not saying that u did it wrong, am just asking how did you do it

Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

good job on the run! for many strategies you have to jump late on to the checkpoint

Snake5 likes this
Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

yeah except ill never get an extremely good 10 skip in a real run + first try stage 13

Finlandwastaken likes this
Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

hey, i got it first...

Finlandwastaken and Snake5 like this
Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

technically for 7500 coins, you can beat the any% WR by a huge amount. also, timer starts and stop rules contradict each other in the category rules and game rules.

Finlandwastaken likes this
Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

i cant find it on my computer, i think i may have deleted it while deleting old files. ill do a new run within like 10 hours

im certain it can save time tho

Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

What happened to that other time?

Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

I have gotten a 3:50 but am unsure whether to verify it as it's trash

Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

I'm not sure what we will do with this, but it isnt a gamepass so I think this might be an interesting run killer if allowed.

Finlandwastaken likes this
Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

cant you do it with boombox too?

edit: ive realised that the high jump is quicker but im certain the boombox can be used somewhere else but im not sure where

Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

thank you btw estonia played on a different game it says its by luigircks55 or smth like that

Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

whats the stage 10 skip

Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

can i be a mod? i use mk8dx retimer for retiming and am quite interested in the community/game.

also i really want to see why the top 2 runs in old skipless exist and see if i can fix them :c

Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

Yes please Ik how to use mk8dx timer and have a general knowledge for about 1~ year of running

Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

just wondering, how'd I get a 4:42?

About axlroc
4 years ago
Games run
ROBLOX: The Really Easy Obby!
ROBLOX: The Really Easy Obby!
Last run 1 month ago
Minecraft: Java Edition
Minecraft: Java Edition
Last run 20 days ago
Games followed
ROBLOX: The Really Easy Obby!
ROBLOX: The Really Easy Obby!
Last visit 18 days ago
Minecraft: Java Edition
Minecraft: Java Edition
Last visit 20 days ago