Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

technically for 7500 coins, you can beat the any% WR by a huge amount. also, timer starts and stop rules contradict each other in the category rules and game rules.

Finlandwastaken likes this
Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

I'm not sure what we will do with this, but it isnt a gamepass so I think this might be an interesting run killer if allowed.

Finlandwastaken likes this
Brazilaxlroc1 year ago

yarn's 2nd place time doesn't look different to the old skipless game (might be me not figuring it out) ONLY READ IF YOU HAVE FIXED THE PROBLEM OF LACK OF MODS:

1 yr old runs are in older runs while the 1st and 2nd places on old skipless are 3 yrs ago

Brazilaxlroc2 years ago

ILs were made for the old skipless categories. also the ILs allow for IFG this is shown when it says stage 13(the maze) hopefully we will be able to add levels for the IL to make it for the new game

Brazilaxlroc2 years ago

i believe that in the category rules, start and end timer:

(in any%) starts when the player leaves the first checkpoint, and ends when the player reaches stage 31 using this method, i retimed the wr to 5:32.901

(in old skipless) starts when the player starts moving and ends when the player reaches the final platform. (i am not sure if this means the grass platform or the one before the grass platform)

Brazilaxlroc2 years ago

how do these people get a 4 12 and 4 15, 3rd place is literally 4 43, and I think that that is very optimal. 1st and 2nd can't even be viewed. Please explain

About axlroc
4 years ago
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ROBLOX: The Really Easy Obby!
ROBLOX: The Really Easy Obby!
Last run 1 month ago
Minecraft: Java Edition
Minecraft: Java Edition
Last run 20 days ago
Games followed
ROBLOX: The Really Easy Obby!
ROBLOX: The Really Easy Obby!
Last visit 18 days ago
Minecraft: Java Edition
Minecraft: Java Edition
Last visit 20 days ago