Orlando, FL, USASarabi6 months ago

Hey everyone, just wanted to give a heads up on some changes that have been made to how runs are timed.

Effective immediately, all runs are no longer required to press the in-game speedrun pad. There was a few reasons for this change, but the main two being it's useless to do so since we no longer use it for timing, and the fact that it allows more people to run the game without needing to beat all the other modes.

Timing now begins on the first frame of movement from checkpoint 1, and ends the moment you touch the "?" teleport at the end, and NOT checkpoint 30. This is because like the speedrun timer, the teleport depends on server speeds.

This change only applies to new runs and will not effect any older runs already on the board.

Ivory likes this
thread: The Site
Orlando, FL, USASarabi1 year ago

We really lost our original donor note for good, huh? How very nice of them to show appreciation to site veterans/early supporters.

CyanWes and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi1 year ago

Hi, all runs submitted to this board have been retimed.

Additionally, we will no longer be using the in-game timer due to the inaccuracy of it. All runs will be retimed upon submission.

Your run will now end the frame you hit the 30th checkpoint, and begin the frame you touch the speedrun pad.

Thanks :)

Hypertxt and Ivory like this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

The concept of no exploits on this game is indeed... rough. As Bronkel mentioned, we had this whole situation on the Genesis side a while back. There is no way to tell what is considered intended or what is considered an "exploit" without actually consulting someone who actually worked on the game.

Over in Genesis we simply trashed the category in favor for a more simple "no clipping" category. Much less confusing and straightforward.

Retroprinz and Estacaco like this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

No Major Clips has been added to the board.

Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you guys know I will get the No Major Clips category rolling this week.

Insomnimatics likes this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

Milliseconds will now be used for ties/draws on the Lion King Genesis/Megadrive leaderboards only.

DickInDisguise and Bronkel like this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

Hello, this is a notice about an upcoming change to the ruleset.

Due to contradictions with the rules, timers are no longer required in run submissions for any category in The Lion King Genesis/Megadrive leaderboards.

We apologize we did not notify the community before making such a change, but again, due to conflicting rules, we did not have an option to do so.

Insomnimatics likes this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

The “No Exploits” category will be removed on Sunday, September 12th. If you would like to archive anything, please do so between now and that date. Thanks!

Insomnimatics likes this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

Our current task has started, which was to begin to contact those on the board to notify what was happening with their runs. The next step was going to be getting rid of the current no exploits and implementing the NMC category. I will ensure this gets done this week.

DickInDisguise likes this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

Hey everyone, we’ve gotten a poll together to vote about two things:

Saves states & Milliseconds. Go ahead and put your vote in:

Insomnimatics likes this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

Hey everyone, we’ve gotten a poll together to vote about two things:

Saves states & Milliseconds. Go ahead and put your vote in:

Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

Yes! Thank you for bringing that up. We will be sure to include that in the rules once we implement the save state rule.

And no worries, as of right this moment, there are no plans of removing the runs from the category.

DickInDisguise and cajink87 like this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

Hi everyone. Just wanted to make this thread to make sure everyone knows that we have clarified the rules for the All Difficulties category to clear any confusion that runners had.

The rules now say the following:

“ • Run starts when selecting "START" on the main menu. Run for “Easy” & “Normal” end when Simba successfully throws Scar off of Pride Rock and Scar is off screen. Timer stops completely on “Difficult” when Simba begins his throwing animation and Scar is thrown off of Pride Rock.”

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask here on the forum or privately. :)

Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

Hiya. Okay. I replied to this post 8 months ago stating that I was all for milliseconds. However... I will say Akiteru's points made still stand after this time. The current runs aren't fully optimized to the point where it would be fully necessary. We have a tie from time to time, but they normally don't last very long. We still have quite some time before ties start hitting the top 3-5 without change due to the runs being optimized.

I look at games similar to this, such as Lion King SNES, Aladdin Genesis, Aladdin SNES (this one having nearly 200 runs) and none have used milliseconds, regardless of them having extremely tight and precise runs. I just don't think we're there yet, just like those games.

In the end, I think it's clear we're going to have a vote soon enough, so whatever you guys really want, I'm okay with it changing.

Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

@cajink87 That is true, we’d just have to make it an exception that the all difficulties category require resets inbetween difficulties.

SaveTheWorld_JG likes this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

I agree, I think by this point since we do know now that full resets don't change anything compared to using a save state, it should be allowed. Of course, console players will still need to reset, but that's just part of playing any game on console.

Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

Hey everyone! We just wanted to make this quick post about an addition we made to the emulation rules. The following was added to the rules:

• "Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King" follows the emulation timing method due to the game not being original hardware.

This has always been the case, and we've been ensuring that .5 has been added to all runs using this version of the game. We just wanted to make sure this was clear for any new runners that may be stumbling across this board with that version, and just a general notice for anyone else who may be running it. That is all! :)

SaveTheWorld_JG, Estacaco and 3 others like this
Orlando, FL, USASarabi2 years ago

Always agreed the ruleset was a mess for sure.

I’m totally for revamping this category. Right now I lean more towards no major clips category more than anything, but that’s a discussion for another time. Right now I think we just could use a general agreement that this category needs to have something done with it.

About Sarabi
7 years ago
1 month ago
Games run
The Lion King (Genesis/MegaDrive)
Super Check Point: Legacy
Super Check Point: Legacy
Last run 6 months ago
The Lion King (SNES)
The Lion King (SNES)
Last run 2 years ago
The Check Point Factory
The Check Point Factory
Last run 1 year ago
The Lion King (NES)
The Lion King (NES)
Last run 3 years ago