thread: FAIRY TAIL
United StatesMageius3 years ago

So I'm thinking of maybe picking up the game for the switch to play casually with my SO since she's a fan of the show. And maybe late since I do speedrun games I might consider doing a run. Anything interesting I might want to know speedrun tech wise?

(Yes I run other games so I know the usual stuff on running RPGs)

United StatesMageius3 years ago

I noticed there wasn't one posted for the discord for this year's event yet.

Link to the discord for the event:

Remember even if you DON'T run any licensed games st present there's a lot of time to learn one if you feel like wanting to show off a game. A run DOESN'T need to be perfect to submit it to the marathon so just RELAX and have fun if you decide to learn a game or even create a run for a licensed game that doesn't have one. Also as there's no real definition on this at least as far as I know it's worth just asking a member of staff on the discord about things. (The I'm NOT staff and the like regatta to myself at present comment goes here)

Have fun everyone and thanks for taking the time to read this and checking out the marathon.

thread: The Site
United StatesMageius3 years ago

terribly sorry to bother you all but I've got a bit of a complected situation here. How do I go about getting a franchise added?

I'm a mod for Robotech Battlecry and our other mod is the mud for both Macross games that are currently on the site. We have talked about at some point trying and all three games into a single franchise considering the closeness and other things regarding both. (I'll drop a link to the wiki for both if requested).

Anyway is there anyone I should talk to about this as they just got done a speedrun for 1 of the other 2 games for the Robotech franchise Robotech invasion and we've been trying to figure out the best way to handle things on it.

Again sorry to trouble you all but couldn't think of the best way to ask about it.

Anyway thank you all for taking the time to read this and help.

thread: The Site
United StatesMageius3 years ago

I can safely say that the leaderboards runs not showing up is still happening. Also at least for me does seem to trigger if anything about a leaderboard may be changed.

I know earlier I added IGT for Robotech Battlecry for the ILs since I forgot to do that when creating them as well as making 1 of the variables a required field.

Considering it didn't affect things since their was only 2 IL times for that side of the boards. BUT changing the variable to required even though the field was already in caused the runs to disappear from the leaderboards. And those were already visible. It shows in the notifications for me as a mod that everything is good and I can still view the runs but it's not showing up.

Figured I'd point that out.

thread: Speedrunning
United StatesMageius3 years ago

So I'm planning on doing some theory crafting and testing to see about finding some sequence breaks, clips, etc. on an older game that uses the Havok physics engine.

Anyone got any suggestions on what type of things I should look for? I kinda don't want to keep jumping) running into, etc on every object and NPC for testing every little thing as I'm normally not someone who usually to run games with this type of tech in 3D games

So I figured I'd ask for advice about what to try and look for.

Sorry for asking since a dumb question but figured it was worth asking before starting anything major since the engine is known for having a lot of these types of things for testing.

thread: Speedrunning
United StatesMageius3 years ago

If not mentioned already:

Use your task manager if you are using Windows to turn off things like windows update and other things that might slow things down. Basically use the the more details for task manager to you want processes are also going on on your system. and when you scroll down and find windows update click the arrow by it to see the actual and you can right click to stop it. As just trying to stop it without doing this first won't work and having that off helps system resources. (A decent amount actually)

Also in OBS don't forget to disable your preview option for it by working on the canvas and I'm checking the enable preview option. As if the preview option is enable the system will use resources to render what is happening even if you're not watching it and not having it on free"s up those resources. (best tips I can offer someone that uses a weaker PC and thisit's from someone else who doesn't use the best PC)

SuperAL1 and Kiber-kotleta like this
thread: The Site
United StatesMageius3 years ago

So um, I'm far from the best person when it comes to fine tuning the leaderboards I mod for Serena usually the only person that speedruns the games or is the first person to speed run a game and I'm trying to set up leaderboards for it

NOW that being said a preview option for looking at how things like variables will look so you can get a feel and experiment little to make it them look better would be nice

Speaking of variables, possibly having a few of the larger or more commonly used ones like difficulty and the like as a quick click to add it would be nice.

Again sorry if some of the ideas sounds stupid and or I have been suggested or are things that already exists but figured I'd throw my 2¢ in.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Not a Pokemon runner, but having a separate category is always an option. Also other pokemon might work, but yeah separate category maybe?

thread: The Site
United StatesMageius3 years ago

Here's hoping everything works out.

Personally I can only say that I hope there will be more tools for smaller communities or people trying to build communities around games where they may be the only runner or those that wish to try and start speedrunning.

But anyways here's hoping things work out. I'd offer to help but can't help in the areas needed. Again here's hoping things grow.

grnts, Gaming_64 and 5 others like this
United StatesMageius4 years ago

I haven't played the game yet as my copy of the physical version hasn't arrived yet, and from what I've heard there's not been any really thorough testing on it.

I can however say that the order is correct as far as which is fastest overall for switch games.

I'd ASSUME that since the games are older that there really shouldn't be that big of a difference. As UNLESS digital completely eliminates loads completely which it can't there's probably only a small difference.

At the very least it's 1s faster per load over the original version for Sunshine. As Sunshine runners have compared to the game to the original and I'd assume that's probably on the physical of the game.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

The order: Digital version on Switch's internal Gard Drive (Fastest loads) Digital version on a Micro SD card. (2nd fastest option) Physical version. (Slowest)

I believe there's not as much loads I believe as far as load times go.

ALSO REMEMBER if you have BOTH versions digital and physical the DIGITAL will take priority over the physical version. It also makes it basically impossible to downgrade and requires actually deleting your system profile to just use the version in the cart.

IT IS POSSIBLE to use the physical version but requires deleting your save from the system menu to use it when you have BOTH alongside deleting the digital version then having the cart in the system and she downloading the digital version

EVEN in a case like this really only lets you use that version ONCE or twice before the digital version is used again.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

hopefully things worked out 2801King

United StatesMageius4 years ago

Most people completely ignored thr version of Mario 64 since it was only released in Japan, So not sure, we still might find somethisg crazy. Lol I'll ROFLMAO if something broken is found which makes this version of the game faster than the original version.

Gaming_64 likes this
United StatesMageius4 years ago

don't know, could always test it I guess.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

Everything is going to be up in the air for a while with this game so who knows how everything will shake out.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

Something to consider I guess.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

To be fair it's going to take a while to see how everything shakes out.

Also the 1 star tas comment from earlier wax ment to be taken as a joke. just adding clarification since I couldn't put an emote or something to show the humor.

Gaming_64 likes this
United StatesMageius4 years ago

Starting from peach file is used for racing though if you are talking about after the 7 min cutscene.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

If your talking about the 7min cutscene, that's going to be insanely hard to get Sunshine at least the leaderboard for it back when it was just the GCN version had an insanely long community vote about that I think it was 2017/2018. Anyway it was basically taking everyone that had ever submitted a run to the leaderboard level community vote. It was stupidly close but the decision was to keep the original time from file select.

Now mind you that there could be an argument since All-stars version is a different version and is part of a collection but I figured I'd at least provide some context.

Pear likes this
About Mageius
7 years ago
1 day ago
Games run
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Robotech Battlecry
Robotech Battlecry
Last run 3 years ago
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Last run 5 years ago
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
Last run 2 months ago
Project Nimbus
Project Nimbus
Last run 2 months ago
 Wing of Darkness
Wing of Darkness
Last run 9 months ago
WWE Day of Reckoning
WWE Day of Reckoning
Last run 6 years ago
Robotech: The Macross Saga
Robotech: The Macross Saga
Last run 1 year ago
Games followed
Project Nimbus
Project Nimbus
Last visit 20 days ago
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
Last visit 25 days ago
WWE Day of Reckoning
WWE Day of Reckoning
Last visit 1 month ago
WWE Day of Reckoning 2
WWE Day of Reckoning 2
Last visit 2 months ago
Robotech Battlecry
Robotech Battlecry
Last visit 2 months ago
Chō Jikū Yōsai Macross (PS2)
Chō Jikū Yōsai Macross (PS2)
Last visit 6 months ago
Eureka Seven vol.1: The New Wave
Eureka Seven vol.2: The New Vision
Eureka Seven vol.2: The New Vision
Last visit 7 months ago
Games moderated
WWE Day of Reckoning
WWE Day of Reckoning
Last action 8 months ago
Robotech Battlecry
Robotech Battlecry
Last action 1 year ago
Robotech: The Macross Saga
Robotech: The Macross Saga
Last action 1 year ago
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
Last action 2 months ago
WWE Day of Reckoning 2
WWE Day of Reckoning 2
Last action 8 months ago
 Wing of Darkness
Wing of Darkness
Last action 6 months ago
Tenchi Muyo! Game Hen
Tenchi Muyo! Game Hen
Last action 7 months ago
Chō Jikū Yōsai Macross (PS2)
Chō Jikū Yōsai Macross (PS2)
Last action 1 year ago