United StatesMageius4 years ago

Not to mention it's possible to remap buttons on the switch which is part of the system itself so that's something else to take into consideration, alongside lot's of others little things here and there.

Gaming_64 likes this
United StatesMageius4 years ago

Also as far as getting less then 70 stars for any% for 64:

1 star is Tas possible. As far as shindo version goes.

Gaming_64 and Zeta64 like this
United StatesMageius4 years ago

To be fair the version of the game DOES NOT have an official leaderboard. All the leaderboards are based in the non patched version. So there is an argument for having a separate leaderboard for the different versions of the game with different categories for it.

I'm not saying that everything should be changed HOWEVER I am saying that something like this should be considered since there is enough of a difference to warrant the discussion.

This is on top of discussing possible options for different things. Then again I'm mainly pointing out things so this post should be taken for what it is which is just an observation considering Mario 64 is well Mario 64. I'm remaining neutral on things as Mario 64 is something that I probably won't run.

Gaming_64 likes this
United StatesMageius4 years ago

I feel you about runs, when I started running games using my Switch I was nervous as well. I'd recommend trying setting things up a bit before you want to start the run and see how it looks for like 30 mins or so and see. But yeah knowing how to get that little bit extra from your PC is something us lower end PC users gotta pass on to each other. lol

United StatesMageius4 years ago

Also since OBS will be pulling the feed directly from the capture card no other program is needed for the capture card other than OBS

United StatesMageius4 years ago

Those steps might help with PC side of things and should help with getting obs to not crash

United StatesMageius4 years ago

Anyway first things first, I'd recommend using the video capture device option in OBS for grabbing the game feed from the elgato/whatever your using for a capture device. Followed by using a window's capture for Live split.

Next go into the settings for OBS and set the video option to something like 480p and drop to 30 fps if you aren't already doing that.

Also make sure that you use task manager if you're using windows to make sure things like windows update and other programs you really aren't using are turned off.

Above all else turn off your screen preview in OBS as that will drop the resources that OBS uses by a lot.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

PC wise I should hopefully be able to help with getting that to work for you. As I don't have the best PC and it's about 5 years old but I can capture from my Switch and even stream while doing it so can help you there.

As far as timer goes usually at least from ones I've ran you usually can't pause the timer but stopping the game is usually able to be done, just gotta remember that breaks do take time. although I'd say the 7 min opening in sunshine would be a good spot for 1.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

sadly you need a camera to record the game at minimum.

However I can try help with some of the OBS stuff as I don't have the best PC myself but I do know some tips that can help with things.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

So 2 quick questions for you I don't think I could help with the category questions but I might be able to help with OBS.

  1. Have you checked to see how much PC resources OBS is using? As If it's using a lot that. might cause some problems in which be able to offer some advice there

  2. I'm assuming you're using a local record instead of streaming the run?

United StatesMageius4 years ago

I mean I'd love for a patch to have the old version of SM64. Although since I don't think anyone has really tried to run the whatever it's called version for it, at least I don't think it has a leaderboard. I actually think it might be interesting to see how things might be. I mean it's possible to remap buttons in the switch settings menu. Also there's still probably hidden tech.

As for sunshine and Galaxy those will probably be great for runs as sunshine is basically the same version as is Galaxy. So I guess that's a positive at the least.

Here's hoping we get the ability to skip cutscenes at some point.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

It's worth getting the physical version for 3 reasons:

  1. In case of any major update that affects the speedrun meaning like a 2nd or 3rd update.
  2. It's always worth having a backup copy if anything happens.
  3. HAVE you seen the secondary market for the game, think about what happens once it goes out of print LMAO.

Of course # 3 is more of a joke that's technically true but something that's still worth knowing.

ArcticLemur likes this
United StatesMageius4 years ago

Just remember if you DECIDE to pick up both versions of the game be aware that the digital version of the game is what version the system will use. (There's a few other things that this type of situation presents but I won't go into every detail.)

Also as far as load times go:

Fastest load times: Digital version that's saved in the Switch's internal hard drive.

2nd fastest: Digital version on a micro SD card.

Slowest: Physical version of the game.

Biffy likes this
United StatesMageius4 years ago

Current, the digital version of the game will always be the most up to date version of the game whenever it's downloaded. HOWEVER it is possible to turn automatic updates off on your switch in order to prevent the system from updating your game automatically. This works for both physical and digital version.

The physical of the game will always be the 1.0 version of the game, well unless Nintendo that's to re-release the game.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

Actually this is incorrect although the load times are faster by having the digital version on micro SD card s the physical version, It is actually FASTER to have the digital version saved to the Switch's internal hard drive vs having it on a micro SD card.

Also the benefits of having the physical version of the game is that it is also possible to downgrade to an earlier version of the game. However having both digital and physical versions doesn't allow this to work without deleting your profile. Although with the physical version only it is very possible to downgrade by just deleting your fane's data.

iden, Biffy and 2 others like this
United StatesMageius4 years ago

If you have the physical version then it is entirely possible to delete your game data from your switch and have it revert to the the cartridge. It's also possible to TURN OFF automatic updates so you can manually tell the game if you wish to update a game or not.

HOWEVER if you happen to own both a physical and digital version of the game the digital version takes priority so you won't have the option to just delete the game's data off your system anymore in order to downgrade. In such a case as this it requires you deleting your entire file from your system to use the physical version again as the default version. Trust me I know this from running Smash ultimate and owning both versions.

Gaming_64 likes this
United StatesMageius4 years ago

Several points here:

  1. It's actually unknown on the version of the game since Shindō Pak Taiō version or not as that version was NEVER localized in the west. If I recall correctly the VC version was the original N64 release at least here in the states. So this would actually require localizing that version on top of everything else.

  2. There has of yet been NO TEXT in any of the game's screenshots, trailers or anything else on Nintendo's official site and even trying to watch the trailer for SM64 only beings up the trailer for 3D all-stars. HOWEVER if you look at sunshine and Galaxy's sections you see that they have their own unique trailers talking about just those games while SM64 DOESN'T.

  3. The game will probably be treated like the original All stars since it's possible to run all 3 games as 1 category.

  4. As far as everything else goes although Nintendo has officially said it's going to be a limited release they have yet to say anything regarding the digital version never coming back or that that might not get an updated version like the original All stars where it had a version released with Mario World. The have YET to imply or say that the games WON'T still be on the eShop, ONLY that 3D all-stars WON'T. They might in fact split it up into the respective games and sell them individually.

Anyway I may not run Mario 64 but with a lot of the little things that would confirm which version ir is still unknown namely text localization also the fact that some of the sunshine and Galaxy stuff seems the same "Shine Get" still appears in the JP trailer for sunshine although I don't think that matters much but the text not being shown does say something.

Pear likes this
United StatesMageius4 years ago

here's a link to the Discord for anybody interested it's basically just brand new but still.

United StatesMageius4 years ago

I'll add that at present for creating the individual level leaderboards IGT (In Game Time) will probably be used indeed of RTA (Real Time Attack,).

United StatesMageius4 years ago

Good day everyone my name is Mageius, ( Anyway figured I'd try to provide my thoughts as far as the leaderboard is going as well as what's planned since at present I'm still updating and make the leaderboards look better. I figured I'd also provide my reasoning behind some of the stuff in case anyone would be interested since at present it's just me.

The Invincibility glitch is banned namely as it's just too cheap and feels almost like just using the cheat code that does the same thing

RTA (Real Time Attack) is because I found when trying to figure out which would be better RTA or IGT it turned out that RTA when timing starting at pressing continue at the start of a mission and stopping time at the end end of a mission was just fastest by a decent amount from the IGT. Also the fact that switching VTs and the like is part of the run.

Don't worry those interested in doing IL and running in EASY and HARD those are going to be added at some point alongside a 100% category.

If you're wondering why the WEWILLWIN categories it's because as I said it feels like it would be something people would want to run and could act as an arcade mode of sorts.

From my experience owning both the PS2 and GameCube version the GCN version doesn't seem to have as many glitches and makes a lot more consistent to speedrun.

I'm not sure the best way to handle emulator submissions yet, but we'll figure it out for people wanting to submit them. Just remember emulsion exclusive functions are banned and that you have to show your playing in emulator.

Anyway that's really all I can think of at present but anyone interested in running the game you are welcome to DM. I'd love to see more people be aware of the game as well as the series itself.

Please Note, I'll try to keep everyone updated on anything as creating a speedrun community is always hard.

About Mageius
7 years ago
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Games run
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Robotech Battlecry
Robotech Battlecry
Last run 3 years ago
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Last run 5 years ago
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
Last run 2 months ago
Project Nimbus
Project Nimbus
Last run 2 months ago
 Wing of Darkness
Wing of Darkness
Last run 9 months ago
WWE Day of Reckoning
WWE Day of Reckoning
Last run 6 years ago
Robotech: The Macross Saga
Robotech: The Macross Saga
Last run 1 year ago
Games followed
Project Nimbus
Project Nimbus
Last visit 21 days ago
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
Last visit 26 days ago
WWE Day of Reckoning
WWE Day of Reckoning
Last visit 1 month ago
WWE Day of Reckoning 2
WWE Day of Reckoning 2
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Robotech Battlecry
Robotech Battlecry
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Chō Jikū Yōsai Macross (PS2)
Chō Jikū Yōsai Macross (PS2)
Last visit 6 months ago
Eureka Seven vol.1: The New Wave
Eureka Seven vol.2: The New Vision
Eureka Seven vol.2: The New Vision
Last visit 7 months ago
Games moderated
WWE Day of Reckoning
WWE Day of Reckoning
Last action 8 months ago
Robotech Battlecry
Robotech Battlecry
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Robotech: The Macross Saga
Robotech: The Macross Saga
Last action 1 year ago
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
MACROSS -Shooting Insight-
Last action 2 months ago
WWE Day of Reckoning 2
WWE Day of Reckoning 2
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 Wing of Darkness
Wing of Darkness
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Tenchi Muyo! Game Hen
Tenchi Muyo! Game Hen
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Chō Jikū Yōsai Macross (PS2)
Chō Jikū Yōsai Macross (PS2)
Last action 1 year ago