thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

So if I understand correctly, the idea would be to have both RTA and IGT times on the same leaderboard for one single run, the same way than other games do with their "Time with loads" and "Time without loads"?

If it's that, I think it wouldn't be good for ILs, because RTA and IGT runs demand such different gameplay. We've never had anyone truly grinding IGT levels so far, but I know that some RTA levels were very competitive and had many runners fighting for the WR at a time.

It takes skill to finish a level as fast as possible, and so does flipping as much as possible, but the two are very different, so they deserve to remain separated.

Leelo and Dogbog6 like this
thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

Today we hit 100 runs in the 50 Points category!

GGs everyone! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰

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thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

You should be able to create a permanent invite link, let me try

Aaaaaand done, the permanent link is up

Invinceicube and Leelo like this
thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

I think we don't want to make too many categories, especially when we see that not even all of them are actively ran ^^ Good idea, but I think I have to agree with Invinceicube, it's more like a challenge than a proper category

thread: The Site
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

Hi! I am a Super Mod for along with another Super Mod who hasn't logged in in 2 months and doesn't answer my private messages. I don't really know how to deal with this situation, so here's my request: could he be removed from the mod team so that I could ask other people to help me with moderation while keeping the team fresh and active?

Thanks for your help :)

thread: The Site
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

Alright I'll do just that, thanks for your help guys

thread: The Site
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

I was considering posting my request over there but I was afraid it would be off-topic! Thanks for the advice though, I'll head off there if this thread doesn't find its target

thread: The Site
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

Hello everyone, I am a Super Mod for the game Rider (Mobile) along with another Super Mod that has been inactive for a while now and not answering my private messages. Since I don't have that kind of power, I was wondering if there was a way or any procedure to kindly remove him from the moderation team with his agreement (if he ever answers) so that I could add other people to help me with moderation while keeping the team fresh and active!

Thank you for your help, have a nice day.

thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

Hello riders! Two very important updates were made to Rider speedrunning today:

šŸŸ£ Individual Levels were revamped and a new category was added!

        āž” š—„š—§š—” (š—”š—¼ š—™š—¹š—¶š—½š˜€) is the basic category you all know: runs based off real time where the flip mechanic doesn't impact your final time.

        āž” š—œš—šš—§ (š—™š—¹š—¶š—½š˜€) is a brand new category where only the in-game time is considered, so flips are allowed and of great use, as they reduce your final time by 0.5s each! You will be able to submit your high scores for each level as long as you provide a video of your ghost's run.

āš ļø š—•š—² š˜€š˜‚š—暝—² š˜š—¼ š—暝—²š—®š—± š˜š—µš—² š—°š—®š˜š—²š—“š—¼š—暝˜† š—暝˜‚š—¹š—²š˜€ š—°š—®š—暝—²š—³š˜‚š—¹š—¹š˜† š—Æš—²š—³š—¼š—暝—² š—½š—¼š˜€š˜š—¶š—»š—“ š—® š—暝˜‚š—»!

šŸŸ£ A new rule was added to the Score% category:

        āž” From now on, runs over 300 points must provide video proof. It is very easy nowadays to modify an image, so we need to be certain that such high scores aren't fake. Again, read the rules carefully to know everything you need.

I hope you enjoy the updates. As always, if you have any suggestion, feel free to DM me! ;)

TheSummiteer, Invinceicube and 2 others like this
thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

Hey everyone, I finally got an answer to why my retiming method was often off by 1 frame, it's because my timer doesn't count the first frame in the total time, it rather calculates the time from the 1st frame to the last. So to fix this I will just have to take the frame right before the actual 1st one, to have the perfect number of frames in the end!

thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

I did get a 9.066s time on your last Level 4 run @Invinceicube by using my method. Congrats for the WR !

I'll check your timing method suggestions tomorrow along with any run that you think is incorrectly retimed. Please send me a private message containing all the levels you would like me to verify. And this also works for any concern you have about Rider, if there's any problem, doubt or contestations, my dm's are always open !

thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

Well actually I'd love to know how you guys retime runs, I personally use SPRT which allows me to enter the framerate of the video, the debug info of the starting and the ending frame, and I have the total time like that. The precision of the timing does depend on the framerate though, 60fps will allow more precise timing than 30fps runs, it's just how it works. I do exactly the same for every run, but maybe this software is inconsistent I don't know. Feel free to submit other timing methods and I'll see what I can do, sorry for the inconvenience.

thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

Just checked it, you're only one frame close !

Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

This glitch happens a lot. I've never played LOF on console so I'm surprised that you guys also have it over there. I personally found no fix at all, I just learnt to deal with it overtime, but I guess it's way easier to counter it with a mouse than with a controller stick... However, it's possible to understand how it works in order to be ready when it happens.

In the checkers room in Witness, the camera often starts spinning during animation transitions. For example, when picking up the very first 2 pieces and interacting with the table, the camera will often start spinning until the next event of the table is triggered = first piece move after table levitation. And this seems to be the same everytime in this room: everytime there's a spinning glitch, it will fix itself when interacting with the checkers table again.

In the conclusion though, when going back to the workshop, the spinning glitch is less likely but often way more violent than in the checkers room. Here, there's no solution. Just work your way to the canvas while laboriously countering the rotation and pull down the sheet to finish your run.

(All of this is relative to my PC runs but I assume - and hope - it's the same on PS4)

I guess this glitch should be considered as an element of gameplay like any other !

thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

Keep in mind that everyone who follows the game gets a notification for every forum message if they have the option enabled. I don't mind the notifications, but maybe some people do. A general discussion thread is a great idea, but it should be a š—±š—¶š˜€š—°š˜‚š˜€š˜€š—¶š—¼š—» before anything else :)

Leelo likes this
thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

I'll contact @TripleStacks and see, there will be a couple of things to think about if we add a new category, like rules, timing and website organization. I'll let you guys know

J_22, Invinceicube, and Leelo like this
thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

GL @J_22 I hope you'll enjoy yourself!

Yorai1212 and Invinceicube like this
thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

I have never seen such difference before, usually IOS times and Android times are both on equal footing, but yeah let us know if you find anything.

Also, I just thought of something: since so many people tend to submit their in-game time for IL runs not knowing that the runs are timed in RTA, should I add a second IL category where flips are allowed? I think it would be quite useless, but if some people really want to use IG time and flips, I guess it's no problem. The current IL category would be "No-flips RTA" with current rules, and the new one would be "Flips IG" where only the IG timer would be considered and ghosts (past high scores) not allowed.

What do you guys think?


Invinceicube likes this
thread: Talk
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

You borke

jackzfiml, Zanum and 12 others like this
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul3 years ago

Yeah I think the 100% would be quite pointless honestly, because achievements would be hard to track especially for moderators, and also EPIC, sooo I guess better go for All Collectibles or something haha ^^

About KaweedFul
I only speedrun games I've played casually before, it's a way for me to expand my experience of a game I already know and love!
5 years ago
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Layers of Fear (2016)
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Layers of Fear 2
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Seterra (Old Version)
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Kao the Kangaroo Round 2
Kao the Kangaroo Round 2
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Layers of Fear
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