thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

Well it's not impossible that I made mistakes while retiming your runs... But because you wrote "needs retiming" everytime, and since I wasn't using SPRT at the time, I used Sony Vegas, which is very reliable there's nothing I can say on that. Maybe I didn't take account of the right framerate though...? I don't know. Anyway I'm sorry for that, I can change your times back to the ones you got with SPRT if they look more accurate to you (and honestly, with what you just wrote, they do to me).

And about the finish line, this rule was actually made by TripleStacks before I even was a mod here, but I thought they were precise enough, since it represented contact with the finish line's hitbox. I never noticed this glitch though, I'll look into it in detail and let you know what I think.

Thanks for the feedback it's much appreciated!

thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

(See my post about retiming runs here.)

Hi everyone

After seeing many new runners submit their IL runs, I decided that we needed a strict timing rule for Rider, to ensure precision and reliability of the leaderboards.

From now on, 𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵 𝗿𝘂𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗯𝘆 𝗳𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗲 while respecting the already existing rules (1st frame = pressing play for main categories and wheels touching the ground for IL / last frame = when confetti particles appear on the finish line).

There are many ways to time your run frame by frame, but the easiest way is with this tool. You just have to post your run on YouTube, then follow the instructions on the tool's website. Feel free to send me or @Oxknifer (lead beta tester) a dm if you need help on how to use it. You can also use any video editing software, like Sony Vegas or Premiere Pro, basically anything that has a frame by frame precision. If you don't have any of that, I'll retime every submitted run anyway, but I'd appreciate if you made it easier for me 🙂

If you have any questions about runs or timing methods, feel free to ask! You can answer this thread or send me a private message.

One last thing, let me know if you think I should retime every existing run with the frame by frame rule or if we should just apply it for new runs starting today. I need to know what's best for you guys!

Thanks 👍️

SaumonMalicieux likes this
thread: Speedrunning
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

Mon conseil c'est de choisir un jeu que t'aimes, ça t'aideras beaucoup à pas en avoir marre et à être motivé à t'entraîner et a y passer du temps, vu que pour speedrun faut vraiment connaître le jeu par coeur. Par exemple moi pour mon premier speedrun j'ai choisi Layers Of Fear, qui est un jeu que j'ai torché et j'avais envie de prolonger mon expérience dessus, en plus la run était assez simple et demandait juste de la précision à la souris, du coup j'ai testé, et maintenant j'ai le 2e temps mondial!

thread: Talk
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

I'm a pharmacy student, but if I fail the competitive exam I'll probably study biology and make music on the side, along with creating content on YouTube and streaming on Twitch, I already have a nice little audience on YouTube so I think I could grow something :)

Otterstone_Gamer likes this
thread: Speedrunning
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

Thanks everyone for your answers! I really have a clearer view of what a moderator is supposed to do now, and I needed it, because exactly as @Liv said, I might have been lazy on some runs in the past and just verified them without checking the exact time... Won't do that again for sure.

Now the only thing I'm wondering is weather I should re-time all the runs or just say "from now on, I'll check every run time frame-by-frame so please try to be accurate", because in one way or another, it could be a handicap for some runners...

thread: The Site
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

Well @Timmiluvs wow I actually didn't know, I see it now but yeah my bad then, that's awesome!

@ShikenNuggets okay following player is good, it's basically what I ment, I just thought of it as a friend system.

Good stuff good stuff, thanks for the answers!

thread: The Site
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

I think it would be great to be able to add people in a friends list, we could see when friends are online, get notified of their activity... Basically it would be like following a game, but with a user.

And I'm not asking about an SRC private message feature, even though I'd love to see one, because I guess we have to go through the user's info to contact them... I just think it's sometimes hard to get in touch with a user, if they're inactive on social medias and don't have a Twitch or a Discord... It would be so much easier with a built-in chat system on SRC. But yeah I feel like there's a reason why this is not being implemented that I don't know about.

thread: Talk
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

I went with "Kaweed" a while ago, it didn't make any sense but I thought it looked good, then I got "KaweedFul" when I created my youtube channel. Since then I've been keeping it, even if now I don't really like the "weed" part, because it has nothing to do with actual weed and I don't even smoke lol. But I got used to it, and with all the Twitch streamers I'm watching saying it or calling me out, it's really mine now and all I have to do is accept it! I even got a Spotify Artist page under the name "Kaweedy", so now I'm fully committed!

A username isn't definitive, many people like to change. If you don't like the sound of yours when people say it, you can change! The most important is how YOU feel about it. But if that can make you feel better, I think Tower is a good username, I don't know anybody like famous or whatever having it, so it's kinda unique.

And you're right about usernames being weird and meaningless! I like to classify them in 2 categories, the ones that are real words, like basically the 4 posts above mine (Riekelt being his IRL name so it counts as a real word), and the ones that don't mean anything, like KaweedFul, like it litteraly makes no sense. It's just cool to know which of these categories you want to be in and then go with it. And once again, the most important is that YOU feel good about it ;)

Pear, SuperKiwiTawa and 2 others like this
thread: Speedrunning
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

Okay all that makes a lot of sense. I think I'll add to the rules that each time has to be calculated frame by frame (fbf) for IL, but that it's not necessary for the main categories. I also think I'll get rid of milliseconds for the 100 points and All Levels categories, because they don't have many runs and milliseconds are quite useless. So basically from now on I'll double check every IL run and 50 Points run fbf, I think it's for the best, even though some people will probably struggle with fbf timing, but it's better for the game I think, especially with some ILs having very close times.

Thanks for your comment it helped a lot!

Anyone else feel free to share if there's anything else you'd like to mention of course

thread: Speedrunning
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

Hi everyone

I'm a moderator for the mobile game Rider, a game that requires precise timing to the millisecond.

When I need to re-time a run, weather the runners asks it from me or not, I like to do it frame-by-frame (using Sony Vegas), for the most accurate timing. Sometimes though, runs look accurate enough, so I just check with LiveSplit and verify them if I get around the same time.

However this got me thinking about timing in general in speedrunning. Humans can't get a timing right to the milliisecond by just splitting with LiveSplit or using a regular clock, but yet 90% of the time when a runner submits a run using LiveSplit, it gets verified as it is, trusting the runner's start and stop of the timer (this is often the case for longer runs that actually need LiveSplit, which isn't the case for Rider, except for one category).

--> So what should I do? I can't re-time some runs frame-by-frame and verify some others by roughly using LiveSplit. What are you guys's experience with moderation and timing? Do you have any advice?

Thanks! :)

Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

I think the father path is shorter, because you have a shorter distance to travel in the hub room when you choose mom or dad door (with dad door you can go right behind the desk), and also because his speech in the end is shorter. Didn't compare the 2 different times though, would be nice to know how much faster it precisely is, but yeah I'm 99% sure father is faster 👍️

thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

As it is said in the rules, for individual levels, timer stop on the first frame confetti particles appear.

And about flips, I already explained in this thread, check out the last 2 replies ->

Fil0Nerd likes this
thread: Rider
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

Well basically because the essence of speedrunning is to finish a game as fast as possible, so it's actually not that interesting to use mechanics that lower your time... Without flips it's pure legit speedrunning. Imagine a racing game where drifting slows down the timer, your time at the finish line would be pointless, because it wouldn't be your actual time! Well same here with flips

thread: The Site
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

Yessss awesome job! Thank you

thread: The Site
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

As far as I know, a player is considered active only if a run was submitted recently (past 2 weeks I think, or past month). I don't think that forum posts or guide edition count as activity for a game, but I might be wrong

thread: Talk
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

Tropico 5 has some goldies like this one

thread: Talk
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

I watched Pokemon Detective Pikachu last night, and, well... Psyduck.

(Or Torterra)

thread: The Site
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

Just downloaded the app after using another unofficial one for a while, and GOD yours is so much better! It even has features I'd like to see on the website (following players). Thanks for your work!

GMP, Imaproshaman, and klbyte like this
Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

That's a yes for me! I just walk around the staircase and grab the piece on the table, then I turn around and grab the one at the top. I really don't know what it's worth though, maybe there's a way I don't have to go around the stairs, but I can't figure it out yet

Aquitaine, FranceKaweedFul4 years ago

"My first run was 33:50" PogChamp

lanzaa likes this
About KaweedFul
I only speedrun games I've played casually before, it's a way for me to expand my experience of a game I already know and love!
5 years ago
Games run
Last run 2 years ago
Last run 6 months ago
Layers of Fear
Layers of Fear (2016)
Last run 2 years ago
Layers of Fear 2
Layers of Fear 2
Last run 11 months ago
Seterra (Old Version)
Seterra (Old Version)
Last run 4 years ago
Kao the Kangaroo Round 2
Kao the Kangaroo Round 2
Last run 1 year ago
Last run 2 years ago
Layers of Fear
Layers of Fear
Last run 3 months ago
Games moderated
Last action 3 days ago
Rider Worlds
Rider Worlds
Last action 5 days ago
Rider Category Extensions
Rider Category Extensions
Last action 3 months ago
Last action 19 days ago
Layers of Fear
Layers of Fear
Last action 3 months ago
Layers of Fear 2
Layers of Fear 2
Last action 11 months ago