Sensitivity Issues on Console
3 years ago
Madison, WI, USA

I've been trying to speedrun Layers of Fear on my PS4 and every once in a while, almost everytime near the end, my camera will begin to pan to the right without me holding that direction. It's usually only an issue when playing the Checkers game near the end and when you're about to enter the workshop to begin the cycle over again. ESPECIALLY before you enter the workshop near the very end. The camera panning to the right gets EXTREMELY violent and really hard to control.

Is there any counter to this? Any way to fix this? This must be a bug, right? It might be because my sensitivity is high, but I don't know. Any help or reply would be appreciated!

KaweedFul likes this
United States

so, from what I have figured out when playing. I found that if you pause the game the camera will fix itself, but it can still go wanky again. Another fix is, if I re started (exited and pressed continue) the chapter I would not get the camera wanky-ness at all.

sadly these are not good fixes since they both loose you time

I also tested and does not seem to have anything do to with the sensitivity. as a ps4 player myself I can relate to this, it is truly a annoyance.

It seems this is just one of the things wrong with the ps4 version. Another example is the button to open doors (R2) does not even work and you have to re assign it lol

sadly seems like it's just something that you will need to bear.

Aquitaine, France

This glitch happens a lot. I've never played LOF on console so I'm surprised that you guys also have it over there. I personally found no fix at all, I just learnt to deal with it overtime, but I guess it's way easier to counter it with a mouse than with a controller stick... However, it's possible to understand how it works in order to be ready when it happens.

In the checkers room in Witness, the camera often starts spinning during animation transitions. For example, when picking up the very first 2 pieces and interacting with the table, the camera will often start spinning until the next event of the table is triggered = first piece move after table levitation. And this seems to be the same everytime in this room: everytime there's a spinning glitch, it will fix itself when interacting with the checkers table again.

In the conclusion though, when going back to the workshop, the spinning glitch is less likely but often way more violent than in the checkers room. Here, there's no solution. Just work your way to the canvas while laboriously countering the rotation and pull down the sheet to finish your run.

(All of this is relative to my PC runs but I assume - and hope - it's the same on PS4)

I guess this glitch should be considered as an element of gameplay like any other !

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

The pause is what i did in my casual playthrough. After that i learned how to deal with it cause the camera movement from it wasn’t ever to severe for me except once but it mostly happens at witness 2 to end so i just pay a hell of a lot attention there

British Columbia, Canada
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

The glitch is often times triggered by awkward collision, can happen post chapter 3, but most prevalent in witness 2. Not sure on exact trigger for that, the easiest fix is quick pause unpause but it does lose time unfortunately.

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