Retime of new Minus World Ending run by Giffi
3 years ago
Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

It's actually 2:33.913.

Colorado, USA

Please provide more information on why you think the current accepted time is incorrect.

I retimed myself and come up with the same result as the mod who verified it. 2:33.930

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Basque Country

timing fast i also get .930

roopert83 likes this
Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

The start frame is 476 (the first frame where the timer is 400) and the end frame is 9711 (the frame where all sprites are invisible). (9711-463)/60=153.917, which corresponds to console time of 2:33.913.

Colorado, USA

The start frame is 475, not 476

Liqquify and repuSoiraM like this
Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

Using the original video file i also get 2:33.930 using

Colorado, USA

Using the site, I got 476 as well, but using 3 different programs on my computer they all show 475. Regardless, I still get the same timing for all methods.

The timing of the run is correct as it stands.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

I got my video file using youtube-dl. Using Virtualdub, I get 476.

Colorado, USA

I'm convinced that something isn't quite right in your process.

Youtube-dl does not give you a 60FPS video by default. You are aware of that?

Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

Yes, I exclusively downloaded codec 298, which is 60fps.

Colorado, USA

Four mods have timed this run plus the two other people in this thread (one being the runner) and all are coming up with the current accepted time. It's possible for the site to have the frames shifted by one but still give you the correct time when the correct starting and ending points are selected.

There's no issue on our end. I'm closing out this discussion.

baXschi and Giffi like this
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