Is it fine for me to use this Stream Setup for run submissions?
3 years ago
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This is just a way of making sure that the moderation is fine with this, I don't want to go and use it and then have people thinking that I'm doing something shady, and that would cause a billion problems for no actual reason. I just want to change to this setup since its easier to get it to work than the one with capture card, and it improves quality overall (mostly bc I'm able to properly set up my camera in a way where it looks just as good as a decent capture card) while being able to stream without having to use jank methods like for it to work like I do with my cap card. The only one requirement I couldn't really meet with this setup is simultaneously showing the console with the rest (that's the one reason I'm even asking at all) so I wanna know if the moderation is fine with it.

Picture of the setup:


Yes, that is fine, that is actually how I submitted my speedrun.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

This is, after the whole 2J record thing happened the mods require me to meet requirements like hands, game, TV and console to all appear in video.

Oklahoma, USA

I don't mean this to come off like a challenge... but I don't even know how you could cheat using this video setup. CRT monitors (obviously) build pixel by pixel line by line, so splicing would be easily detectable, as well as hand positioning. I can't think of a more cheat-proof way of filming tbh. Unless there's something I'm missing. Seems very safe - assuming you're also picking up sound, which I assume you are.

But I'm not a mod.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Nolmy, mruns and 2 others like this
Pennsylvania, USA

I do not believe that is a crt, but I couldbe wrong. Look at how the polarizing filter f*cks with the pixels on camera.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Are you kidding me rn? That's literally what happens when you focus the camera onto the screen of the TV, the way the camera captures the pixels makes that happen

Test it by yourself if you can

Pennsylvania, USA

Woah woah woah woah. That came off wrong. I wasn't calling you out or anything, but where did you get a crt with such a thin bezel? It's really slick, ngl.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Well it wasn't gonna be used by who had it so me and my dad picked it up. Its big and heavy AF. I wish i could adjust the overscan but apparently the button combination I need doesnt seem to work so rip You gotta get lucky with CRT hunting, thats all I can say

United States


Pennsylvania, USA

Holy cow, I just realized why I thought that wasn't a crt. I thought that the speaker on the side was like, the corner of a wall in the background or something, and that the black was a super thin bezel.

LeKukie and Xaby like this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Ok, one of the mods confirmed that the moderation is fine with this setup. I guess we can lock this thread(?)

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Any% (NTSC) runs below 4:57.000 must now fulfill additional requirements in order to be verified.

  • The run's full session must be included in the submission description.
  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
4 months ago