what you would need to save the framerule in 8-1
6 years ago
Alabama, USA

thanks for making an add-on to my 8-1 fpg find dude, also this does save the FR. Thanks for the find.

SazonSmash likes this
United States

"mavpole" basically means "wing it" right? So you gotta do whatever kinda jump that gets you coming down with the right trajectory, do a little L->R shuffle to mess with subpixel stuff, then regular block clip inputs? Or is there a more defined setup than that?

Ontario, Canada

I think so, I watched Mav's tutorial and it is basically jump on first pixel, and estimated how much you need to press left and right.This is actually easier for beginners though, because no wierd let go of B, hold B stuff

I've never actually had fast accel save time for me, I always just lose time, what exactly am I doing wrong? I try to jump as low as possible and start holding right as soon as I jump

And wow, more FPGs, does this also mean 4:54 is possible?

EDIT: Of course 4:54 is possible, eventually someone will get it, some healthy perfectionist. I've never done FPG without Sockfolder's method, sounds very hard.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
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  • For emulator runs below 4:57.000, some form of input display must be visible for the duration of the run. A hand-cam or input
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