Any% No dupes
6 years ago
United States

ASM is a decent bridge between any% and 100%. The jump is staggering nonetheless but it at least can help players compartmentalize their learning process. I don't see a reason it should go or even worse, "trade" one category for the other.

If nothing else leave it for continuity sake. III and VC have these categories as well.


I first began running asm as a means to practice 100% missions in a serious run environment. It also helps you gain some gaming stamina for the leap to 100%.

I personally don't have any strong feelings one way or another on if asm stays. If it does leave I'll probably go back to doing gang territory skip instead of competing with caz time on the leaderboards.

One thing I don't like about this though is it feels like mmhd lost the arguement and is looking at a way to still come out as if he won something. I say let the mods do q public vote on this matter and be done with it.

LaserTrent likes this
Florida, USA

@Tirean mhmd_FVC said in discord that ASM will be moved to the misc. part of the main board.

any movement of these runs has to be made i'll side with this one by far.

just wanted to inform you and other readers about what is happening.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
LaserTrent likes this

If nothing else leave it for continuity sake. III and VC have these categories as well.

  1. GTASA "AM" is different from 3 and VC AM.
  2. Just because something is done on the other lbs doesn't mean that it should be done here. Additionally, 3 and VC AM categories are more popular than SA's ever has.

I first began running asm as a means to practice 100% missions in a serious run environment.

If you can't do serious segment practice and need some category that vaguely resembles 100% of which you only finished 2 runs ever over 1+ year then you should question yourself to the dedication of the main 100% category.

Leon and Lanayru like this
East Riding of Yorkshire, England

@Tirean reason why polling is a bad idea

LaserTrent, Zachoholic and 3 others like this
Ohio, USA

Wow, guys. It boggles my mind that a bunch of you wasted all this time discussing such a meaningless topic. I could careless what the result is, so I'm not even gonna bother "picking a side." But some of the stuff that gets discussed here would be better off if it was never brought up. So much wasted time when you could be, idk streaming or watching other streams. Why does everyone continue to fuel fires and cause issues with community? Just deal with the current state and move on.

BustaCarl, Leon and 4 others like this
Maryland, USA

If there's to be an All Missions category it should just be All Missions. ASM doesn't fulfill this. It's like if GTA3 had an All Missions category that specifically excluded the offroad missions. I don't view ASM as a real all missions category, but some sort of wrong solution to this very issue (wanting no dupes) from two years ago. That's my issue with having this and ASM on the same board. Of course, ASM has been somewhat established for a while now, but that's no excuse to fix the board up.


Where is the sense in removing a category just because a similar one is added? It's like all of a sudden it doesn't make sense for ASM to be on the main leaderboards. If your arguement is ASM is a bad category then that's a different discussion.

If this discussion didn't happen or dupeless was not going to be added, ASM would still be on the leaderboards (yes i know it hasn't happened yet but it will so just getting ahead of it) - just going to let that sink in.

Btw, if i hear 1 more comparison to GTA 3/VC ima stab someone in the dick

KZ_FREW and Kamiks0320 like this

As on the GTA 5 leaderboard: any% missions skip and any% no missions skip

It could be any% and any% dupeless

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Maryland, USA

Don't see your point @lelreset. Of course it would still be there if this didn't turn into such a big deal. I just thought it was a good chance to do a change like that. I didn't even need that GTA3 analogy anyway, it just doesn't make sense to exclude some missions cause they're not "typical" ones.

If so many people are averse to the idea of making the SA leaderboards have reasonable categories (including dupeless and actual all missions) then I guess I don't have to do it. As I said, ASM is staying until later, whenever people decide it's a good time to add All Missions instead, or not.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
hoxi likes this
Maryland, USA

Hell, I wouldn't even want make it misc as long as people discuss the idea of actual All Missions at least (without flaming). Better if it works out for more people without half-assing a leaderboard change.

hoxi likes this

From what I read you said you will replace ASM with Dupeless.

You then said you will misc it.

Now you're saying it will stay as it is, will you make up your mind?

thriving likes this
Maryland, USA

Well sorry for changing my plans because of people's complaints. You seem to be running out of things to be mad at me about.


Changing your opinion because of other peoples complaints.

You seem to be running out of things to defend yourself with.

Maryland, USA

Where was the word "opinion" in my post? Now you're resorting to arguing against a straw man.

Well, I agree with the concept of an actual All Missions category.

I'm not clued up about ASM, what was the big change that suddenly saw a drop off in runners?

Florida, USA

AM was change to ASM cause some people had it as you where skipping a mission while doing GT skip ( imo that " mission " was a checkpoint ) so it was given less than a day to vote word hardly got out and GT skip was ban from AM and a name change was felt needed to let others know it's not the same run anymore and those who had a run with GT skip was removed and moved to the " meme " boards

Edited by the author 6 years ago

Discussions of what all missions should be and what I currently run can be debated in another thread. In that thread we can get back to all the crazy personal attacks that people repeatedly do.

BackmadeJay likes this
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